Abstract Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician。 A Thousand Splendid Suns is his second book which brings him considerable fame。 Based on the eco-feminist theory, this thesis intends to analyze and study Khaled Hosseini’s ecological and feminist consciousness embedded in his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns。 The thesis consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion。 In the introduction, it briefly introduces the author Khaled Hosseini and his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, and expounds the main content of the ecological feminist theory。 The body part mainly concentrates on the analysis of the author’s eco-feminist consciousness from three aspects: the tragedy of female and nature under the oppression of patriarchy, the revenge from female and nature and the interconnection between female and nature。 To conclude, Khaled Hosseini criticizes the values of patriarchy and emphasizes the significance of a harmonious society, which reflects his wish for the harmonious relationships among male, female and nature。76940

Key words: Khaled Hosseini; A Thousand Splendid Suns; the eco-feminist theory; patriarchy





2。 Literature Review2

3。 The Oppression of Patriarchy3

3。1The tragedy of Mariam and Laila。3

3。2 The destruction to nature。5

4。 The Resistance to Oppression。。。。。7

4。1The resistance of Mariam and Laila。7

4。2 The revenge from nature。。9

5。 The Interconnections between Women and Nature。10

5。1The similarity of women and nature10

5。2The harmonious relationship between women and nature。 。。。。。10


Works Cited。13


1。1 Khaled Hosseini and A Thousand Splendid Suns

Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician。 (Rasheed 2009) Following the success of his first book The Kite Runner, he decided to dedicate himself to full-time writing。 All three of his novels are very popular around the world and have been selling like hot cakes。 He himself received the UN Humanitarian Award in 2006 because of the great success of works。 A Thousand Splendid Suns is his second book published in 2007, spending 103 weeks on the Times Best Seller, 15 at number one, (Emrich 2013) which brings him considerable fame。

The book A Thousand Splendid Suns reflects Khaled Hosseini’s eco-feminist consciousness by describing the oppression on two heroines and the devastation on nature in the patriarchy society。 A Thousand Splendid Suns interprets Mariam and Laila’s unwavering friendship from the feminine perspective。 They go through chaos caused by war, poverty and domestic violence together。 The powerful patriarchy makes them become attachment of men and family。 By describing their miserable lives, Hosseini criticizes the values of anthropocentrism and patriarchy, which advocates that men are superior to nature and women。 Under the oppression of patriarchy, they comfort each other and struggle for more living space。 Finally, they achieve freedom。 A Thousand Splendid Suns is regarded as a hymn for females from wildering, to awaking, and to fighting。 Mariam and Laila’s experiences reflect the tragic fate of thousands of veiled women in Afghanistan, also are the epitome of all the misery and disaster in Afghanistan。 Hosseini concentrates on exploring the essence of eco-feminism theory。 He expresses his wish for building new moral values and social structures against all forms of discriminations。 Moreover, Hosseini explores the harmonious relationship between two heroines and nature in order to reveal the interconnections between women and nature。 In the end of the story, he leaves readers hope: the war is over。 Equality and freedom begin to come to the land battered by continuous disasters in the past 30 years。 Hosseini emphasizes the significance of the harmonious relationships among men, women and nature and reminds people of the importance of building a sustainable ecological system。 The title of the book comes from a poem “Kabul” by Saib Tabrizi: “Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye, through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass, one could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, and the thousand splendid suns that behind her walls。” (Hosseini 218) Hosseini explained, “I was searching for English translations of poems about Kabul, for use in a scene where a character bemoans leaving his beloved city, when I found this particular verse, I realized that I had found not only the right line for the scene, but also an evocative title in the phrase ‘a thousand splendid suns,’ which appears in the next-to-last stanza。” (Shang 5)论文网

















