
    Acknowledgments..    .i
    Abstract    ii
    1 Introduction.1
    1.1 Thomas Hardy and His time..1
    1.2 The Plot of the Return of the Native.2
    2 The Theory of Eco-criticism.3
    2.1 The Emergence of Eco-criticism3
    2.2 The Definition of Eco-criticism4
    2.3 The Connotation and Concern of Eco-criticism.5
    2.4 The Perception of Industrialization via Eco-criticism7
    3 The Causes and Effect of Materialization.9
    3.1 The Impact of Industrialization.9
    3.2 The Sense of Anti-industrialization from the Perspective of Eco-criticism.10
    3.3 Ambitious Dream of Eustacia.11
    3.4 Money Worship and Incompetence of Behavior of Eustacia.12
    4 The Causes and the Impact of Alienation14
    4.1 Eustacia’s Alienation from Egdon Heath.14
    4.2 Eustacia’s Alienation from Heathmen15
    4.3 Eustacia’s Alienation from Clym16
    5 Conclusion18
     1 Introduction
    The Return of the Native was created by Thomas Hardy in 1879. As a writer of subtle sensibility, Thomas Hardy was deeply feeling that due to British Industrial Revolution, industrial civilization had resulted in multitudinous dark sides that did not only jeopardize the beautiful physical Nature but also human nature, which led to confrontation between human and nature, as well as distorting interpersonal relation among mankind himself. With the problems widely observed and studied by different schools, different critics and even those literary critics,this paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of materialization and alienation caused by Industrial Revolution through analyzing those characters in the Return of the Native from the perspective of eco-criticism.
    The paper falls into five parts. The first part describes the background information of the Return of the Native. The second part introduces the development and cornerstone of eco-criticism. The third part and the fourth part explore the causes and effect of materialization and alienation respectively. The fifth part is a conclusion.
    1.1 Thomas Hardy and His Time
    Thomas Hardy, not only a famous British poet but also an eminent novelist, was born in southwestern England that is near Dorsetshire Heath in 1840, by which Britain had completed the world’s first Industrial Revolution. The era that Hardy lived was the transitional period from non-monopoly capitalism to imperialism, during which Hardy saw much adversities and tragedies that capitalist system brought to toilers, notably to husbandman. Industrial process was like a sword of double blades. It brought about material comfort to people as well as damaging natural environment, which made the fields in countryside unsuitable for farming. At the same time, because of the liberation brought by Industrial Revolution, a traditional factory production system was established, which meant that there was a better and easier opportunity for the peasants to make more money. Consequently a growing number of peasants began to emigrate to city or went to city to look for a job. Then system of capitalist wage labor began to establish widely, which brought about profound change of social relation that industrial bourgeoisie and industrial proletariat ultimately took shape, hence the disparity between wealthy and poor widened step by step which led to competing mentality. Hardy himself was brought up in British rural area which he spent most of his time living in. In Hardy’s young days, his hometown, Dorsett, was a relatively remote and old countryside without modern industry and the interference of modern civilization. There people grazed and farmed, living in a simple lifestyle, with the mode of self-gratification, which Hardy had savored very much since his childhood. After 1870s, the invasion of capitalism began to damage the entire countryside, undermining people’s concept of simple life. Under the great impression of capitalism, human beings became increasingly materialistic and excessively epicurean with moral depravity. Driven by the viewpoint that material benefits was above everything else, people would attain their goal at cost of other people’s benefits.
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