
        在得到片刻愉悦、放松的同时, 观众几乎不会去研究为什么这样一段对话,这样一个动作会产生幽默效果,让人发笑。为了帮大家提高欣赏幽默的能力,并成为一个懂幽默并能制造幽默的文化人,本文以美国知名的情景喜剧《破产姐妹》为例,从语用学角度出发,以利奇的礼貌会话原则为标准,来分析此剧的对话台词是怎么样制造出幽默效果的。
    Acknowledgments.    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要.    iii
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 Studies on Humor.. 3
    2.1 Definition of Humor..    3
    2.2 Theories of Humor..    4
    2.3 Classification of Humor.. 5
    3 Theoretical Framework    6
    3.1 Grice’s Cooperative Principle.. 6
    3.2 Leech’s Politeness Principle. 6
    3.3 The relationship between CP and PP..    7
    4 A Case Study of Two Broke Girls    8
    4.1 Definition of Situation Comedy and its Development in USA. 8
    4.2 A Brief Introduction to Two Broke Girls    9
    4.3 Politeness Principle and Humor    9
    5 Implication for Better Understanding Humor Situation .    13
    5.1 Context Analysis Competence13
    5.2 Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Competence.. 15
    6 Conclusion    17
    Bibliography.     19
    1 Introduction
    Humor seems to be everywhere and it often appears in our daily conversation. The fast-paced life in metropolis makes us exhausted, so we need to find ways to relax ourselves. Humor is a good means of relaxation. In daily life, it is not difficult to find that some people often read humorous story magazine and movie which could amuse them. Of course, people would like to make friends with those who with sense of humor. Therefore, humor means a lot to us. Now the author will put forward the question about what humor is? As Chinese audience, will they be amused by a conversation from American sitcom? The answer may be “No”. The reason why they can’t catch the humor from that type of TV show has something to do with their lack of American cultural background. The other reason is that humor actually is a phenomenon of language. It is hard for them to understand humor in conversation without having appreciation of humor. In order to solve the problem, the author tries to analyze conversational humor in American sitcom from a pragmatic perspective.

    With the development of pragmatics, more and more pragmatic studies of verbal humor have been done. Nowadays, American sitcom is the carrier of conversational humor, which provides a lot of materials for the study of Pragmatics. The reasons why this thesis takes Two Broke Girls for instance are that it is popular with comedy lovers and it also provides qualitative funny lines which can be further analyzed.

    In the field of pragmatics, Grice proposes (1967) the cooperative principle first. Then Leech(1983) makes some complements to the cooperative principle and further proposed the politeness principle which has six rules. Politeness principle is an important content in pragmatics. In daily life, people have to communicate with others to obtain information and knowledge and also achieve a variety of purposes. In order to achieve a successful communication, people must use some important conversational strategy in conversation.
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