    摘 要在经济快速发展的今天,广告作为一种新的商务交际形式,具有传播文化,促进文化交流的功能。广告英语作为一种应用语言,因其所特有的效用,已经从普通英语中脱颖而出。本论文将用举例的形式,从广告英语的词法,句法和修辞方法等角度分析广告英语的语言特点,然后根据其语言特点从直译,意译等方面来探究其翻译策略。希望本论文对广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略的研究能使人们充分论述使人们更好地了解其语言特色及翻译特色,从而促进文化之间的交流。34814
    Abstract Nowadays, with the development of economy, the advertisement, a type of form of commercial communication, has functions of spreading culture and promoting cultural communication. Because of its utility, advertising English, as an application language, has stood out from the common English. This essay will analyze the linguistic features of advertising English from syntactic, lexical and rhetorical aspects with setting examples, and then explore its translation strategies from literal translation, free translation and so on. Hopefully, this essay will help to make people understand linguistic features of advertising English and its translation qualities in order to promote cultural communication.
    Key words: advertising English; linguistic characteristics; translation strategies
    摘 要..i
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Advertising English and Its Linguistic Features    2
    2.1 Advertising English    2
    2.2 Linguistic Features of Advertising English    2
    2.2.1 From Lexical Aspects    2
    2.2.2 From Syntactic Aspects    4
    2.2.3 From rhetorical aspects    6
    III. Translation Strategies Based on Linguistic Features of Advertising English    8
    3.1 Some Principles of Different Schools.    8
    3.2 Strategies of Translation    10
    3.2.1 Transliteration    10
    3.2.2 Addition    12
    3.2.3 Literal Translation    13
    3.2.4 Free Translation    14
    3.2.5 Modeling Translation    15
    IV. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgement    18
    An Analysis on Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English and Its Translation Strategies

    I. Introduction

    With the rapid development of global economy and information technology, the advertisement has been seen everywhere and has been an important part in our life. Advertisement has many functions: spreading information, winning honor, building up brand image, strengthening service and promoting economic prosperity.
    The definition of the advertising English indicates that the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell. Definition of advertising is varied. An advertisement may be defined as a public notice: designed to spread information with a view to promote the sales of marketable goods and services (Harris & Heldon 40). The purpose of the advertisement is to induce customers’ thoughts, arouse feelings and desires of buying so as to goods can increase their influence. So advertisement language has gained people’s favor because of its own charm. Advertising English is an important English linguistics and a specific variant of English. English in Advertising written by Geoffrey N. Leech, which was first published in 1981, lays the foundation for exploration of the language of advertising English.
    As an application English, advertising English has a long history of development and has been developed a specific language, which has its own unique art and linguistic characteristics. In order to create and enhance positive images of brands for the companies and add values to their products, advertisements are designed with simple and vivid language to give a deeper impress to people. Mastering advertising language and translation strategies can achieve goods sellers’ purposes and show delicate goods to people. Using many kinds of translation skills can make advertisements more vivid and persuasive. This essay will discuss the linguistic features and translation strategies of advertising English.
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