    C-E Translation of Culture-loadedWords in Tourism Texts:A case study of Hangzhou Tourism Texts ABSTRACT: China is an old country with long history, there are many beautiful landscapes in China.More and more foreign people come to visit China every year. The translation of Chinese tourism texts hasbecome the way to show these landscapes. In tourism texts, there are many culture-loaded words. Thesewords can reflect history and custom of these landscapes. So the translation of culture-loaded words intourism texts is very important. In 2016, Hangzhou held the G20 summit, this event has attracted manyforeigners. So the translation of culture-loaded words is very crucial for foreigners to understand the deepmeaning of these landscapes. In this article, the author collect some translation of some culture-loadedwords from some tourism texts of Hangzhou. Comparing these translation, the author find some advantagesand disadvantages of these translation. And the author gave some suggestions for the disadvantages. Thereare some limitation in these translations, the author also give some suggestions.
    KEYWORDS: C-E Translation, Tourism texts, Culture-loaded words, Hangzhou
    .旅游文本中文化负载词英译研究--以杭州旅游文本为例摘要:中国是一个历史悠久的国家,它有着许多美丽的人文景观。现今,每年都有越来越多的国外友人来中国游玩。旅游文本的翻译是外国友人对中国人文景观认知的桥梁。旅游文本中往往包含着许多的文化负载词,文化负载词包含着一处人文景观的历史,文化,是一处景观的象征。因此旅游文本中文化负载词的英译至关重要。2016 年杭州举办了举世瞩目的 G20 峰会,本次峰会为杭州吸引了大批的外国游客。杭州是中国具有代表性的城市,历史悠久,文化丰富。本次研究就以 G20峰会期间的杭州旅游文本为例,选取其中具有代表性的文化负载词的英译为例进行比较分析,得出英译的优点与缺点,提出一些建议。并从本次研究中发现旅游文本中的文化负载词的英译的不足之处,从而提出相关建议。37266
    摘要 1
    关键词 .1
    1.1 Research background ..2
    1.2 Thesis structure .2
    2.1 Culture loaded words .3
    2.1.1 Definition of culture-loaded words .3
    2.1.2 Classification and feature of culture-loaded words.3
    2.1.3 Definition of culture-loaded words in tourism texts .4
    2.2 C-E translation of tourism culture-loaded words 4
    2.2.1 Domesticating & Foreigninzing ..4
    2.2.2 Functional equivalence .5
    2.2.3 The importance of translating culture-loaded words..5
    2.2.4 Strategies of translating culture-loaded words in tourism texts.6
    3.1 Sample collection 8
    3.2 Classification of Hangzhou culture-loaded words .8
    3.3 Advantages and disadvantages in translation strategies ..9
    4. CONCLUSION 12
    4.1 Summary of previous work12
    4.2 Limitations of C-E translation of culture-loaded words .13
    4.3 Suggestions for further study 14
    1.1 Research backgroundSince China is a deeply rooted history relics country with lots of beautiful landscapes, anincreasing number of tourists from all of the world have been attracted to visiting China. Thetranslation of Chinese tourism texts plays an important role, and whether it is understandablefor foreigners is an important element for domestic culture transmission. A lots of Chineseculture-loaded words are contained in these tourism texts in order to show special Chinesecustoms and culture and history, as a result, the quality of Chinese culture-loaded wordstranslation is very crucial. (文晓华 2013)Hangzhou is an old Chinese city which has abundant history and culture, it has a lot ofbeautiful landscapes, and there is a saying Just as there is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhouand Hangzhou on earth. So Hangzhou is very famous in to every Chinese. However, there arenot too much foreigners know about Hangzhou or they do not know it deeply. (吕政 2014)Culture-loaded words in Hangzhou tourism text contains many information of Hangzhou’sculture, customs and history. As a result, the translation of Hangzhou tourism culture-loadedwords is so much crucial to publicity Hangzhou to people from all of the world. In 2016, G20summit was held in Hangzhou which had captured the world’s attention, and attracted a largenumber of foreigners to visiting Hangzhou. (王志凯 2016) It was really a good chance topropaganda Hangzhou. Appropriate translation of culture-loaded words in tourism text couldbe very helpful for foreigners to know about Hangzhou, and they would have a deepimpression of Hangzhou through the right translation.
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