    Abstract  A language is embedded in the culture of a people and reflects the totality of their religion, history, traditions, customs, identity, beliefs and way of life, so teachers are supposed to introduce culture and values to students in language teaching. This paper is to explore the introduction of culture in college English teaching. It analyzes the reasons for students’ failure in cross-cultural communication; It puts forward some principles, methods and strategies for cultural introduction in college English teaching so as to promote students’ competence for cross-cultural communication.
    Key words: cross-cultural; strategies; communication
    The Cultural Introduction in College English Teaching
    摘 要...1
    I. Introduction..3
    II. The Relationship Between Culture and Language3
    2.1 Definition of Culture 4
    2.2 Western Culture and Eastern Culture 4
     2.3 Reason for Students’ Failure in Cross-cultural Communication ......5
     2.3.1 Chinese Mind-set.5
     2.3.2 Instrumental Motivation Towards Learning English.. 7
     2.3.3Misunderstanding on Introduction of Culture..8
     2.3.4 Stereotyped Teaching Methods...8
    III. Introduction of Culture in College English Teaching9
    3.1The Principles of Cultural Introduction10
    3.2 The Strategies of Cultural Introduction14
    IV. Conclusion16
    Acknowledgements 19
    I.    Introduction
    In most places of China, students start learning English at their primary schools, so they already have more than 6 years’ experience of learning English before they go to college, but the truth is that, as far as we know, even after professional four years’ English learning at college, it is far from enough for most students to communicate in English like the natives do. Students have spent so much time learning vocabulary, grammar rules and linguistic skills, but trouble and mistakes still occur now and then when they try to communicate in English.
    It is culture factor that plays an important role in keeping us from being better English users. Culture makes English sentences and scenes more meaningful and understandable than the mere words themselves. Students cannot truly master the language until they have also mastered the cultural contexts in which the language occurs. Linguistic competence alone is not enough for learners to be competent in that language. Thus, more attention should be paid to the introduction of culture in college English teaching.
    This paper is going to expound the cultural introduction to college English teaching. It is made up of five parts, the first part is the introduction of the paper, Part Two focuses on the relationship between culture and language. Part Three expounds and exemplifies the principles and strategies for cultural introduction in college English teaching; the last part serves as the conclusion of the paper. Hopefully this paper will be useful for college English teachers and their students to improve their English teaching and learning.
    II.    The Relationship Between Culture and Language
    2.1    Definition of Culture
    One way to view culture is inpiduals’ and or groups’ values, beliefs, attitudes and notions on acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Another way of viewing culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a certain group of people, defined by everything from language, religions, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. From either definition of culture, we find that culture is closely related to the people who make up the area. So, the cultures can differ a lot among various areas as well as their languages.
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