
    II. Jack London and His Work Martin Eden

    2.1 About Jack London
    Jack London (1876-1916) is a novelist. He was born in San Francisco; his family is instable and poor. Worked when he was a child, he sold newspaper, later on became the sailor, and into the factory did unskilled laborers. During this period he drifted from place to place, but also was sent back to San Francisco and then went looking for gold in Alaska, after back home due to illness, determined to write. Jack's short stories are good at performance in the sharp conflict in personalities, with a striking force. His novels are clearly reflected by his complex inner conflict, namely the resentment injustice, and also believe that struggling can be a superman. In some works, he also reveals of human nature (Yan 227). In 1916 Jack London and his masterpiece the hero Martin Eden, in extreme mental emptiness and pessimistic disappointment committed suicide.
    2.2 About the Work of Martin Eden
    Martin Eden is considered as the semi-autobiography of Jack London, which is not only the story of past memorizing, but also the mystical prediction of his future. It describes how the Martin Eden from scratch to be superman and finally to suicide. Because the work reflects the profound and extension of social life, it is beyond the scope of autobiography, become a rich work of social thought in the early years of the 20th century (Rao 25).
    Martin is a 20-year-old sailor, poor, strong and brave, likes the sea. An accidental opportunity, he saved Ruth’s brother Arthur. When Martin as a guest was invited into Ruth house for the first time, he felt as if he stayed in a strange world. Ruth is a beautiful young girl. Martin fell in love with her at first sight. But Martin heard Ruth talking about literature and art, felt himself so poor, uneducated. These are like a knife, hurt Martin pride. Back from Ruth family, Martin couldn't sleep for a long time, on the one hand, he felt that upper society as a tall wall stands in front of city wall, that he cannot overstep. On the other hand, the Ruth's love is like a red hot fire, in the burning. Finally, Martin decided, in order to win the Ruth, he must be among the high society.
    He found the books on etiquette and syntax. Martin spent time every day in the library. Later, he had a library card, when the library was closed, just borrowed a few, and then read them at home into the night. Martin gave up alcohol, began to insist to brush his teeth everyday, and also bought nail clippers and a stripe crease of trousers. He paid attention to his behavior. Martin tortured by love, and he wanted to close to Ruth. When he met Ruth again, Ruth is amazed at Martin’s great progress. Martin's arrival brought her a breath of fresh air. Ruth explained poetry to Martin. When her hair breezed Martin's cheek, Martin was deeply however up. Heat flows passed the body. Instantly, he felt himself and Ruth that is pided by the middle class. Later, Ruth often helps Martin rectifies his grammar, teaches him arithmetic, and also constantly borrows books for him. One day Martin wanted to be a writer, but Ruth thought that his idea is impractical. Unyielding character and love of Ruth pushed Martin working. Though, Martin's writing was tough. Before long, draft had been sending out was back in succession. At the same time, Ruth’s falling in love with Martin. In a beautiful autumn day, they were engaged. Ruth's parents were against their engagement. At this time, Martin met socialist Peon, Peon affected Martin. But Martin life was tough; he rejected the Ruth’s transformation. Therefore, Ruth left him.
    Suddenly he succeeded in writing. To hear him fame, social celebrities were scrambling to suck up to him, Ruth also sought request renew their relationship again. And it was even willing to commit to him. He realized the hypocritical, selfish nature of the upper class which he had been striving for. There was no true love, no morality, or no shame at all but only existed interests relationship and financial benefit. At this point, however, Martin had already seen the vulgar love and the hypocrisy world. With the ideal life falling down, Martin felt great emptiness of life; feel confused about the meaning of life. In the end he committed suicide with great disappointment and loneliness.
  1. 上一篇:新课标理念下初中英语作业布置策略研究
  2. 下一篇:英语广告语中的隐喻概念
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