    Abstract Homework is a very important link in the process of teaching English, and is also one of the important contents of the new English curriculum reform. English homework not only help students consolidate the knowledge of English learning in the classroom, but also help teachers to achieve the goal to exam the knowledge of students, and improve their teaching methods. It is an important part of improving student grades. But at the present, there are still some problems about design and arrangement of English homework in junior high school. This paper uses the concept of new curriculum, and accord to the introspection of the traditional operation to explore the arrangement of English homework in junior high school. In order to stimulate students’ interest in learning, enhance the learning enthusiasm and initiative, so as to improve the teaching efficiency effectively. 
    Key words: English homework; design and arrangement; the concept of new curriculum; teaching efficiency
     A Study on English Assignment Strategies in Junior High School under the New Curriculum Concerts
    摘 要...i
    2.1The Definition of Homework...2
    2.2The Types of Homework..3
    2.3The Current Problems of English Homework Assignment...4
    2.4The Causes of the Problems.5
    III. The Requirements and Strategies of English Homework Assignment undre the New Curriculum Standards..6
      3.1The Requirements.6
    3.1.1The Requirements of the New Curriculum Standards for Teachers.6
    3.1.2The Requirements of the New Curriculum Standards for Students7
    3.1.3The Requirements of the New Curriculum Standards for Homework7
      3.2The Strategies..8
        3.2.1Being Clear.8
      3.2.2Being Real and Practical.9
      3.2.3Being Multistep.9
      3.2.4Being Diversified10
    IV. The Some Suggestions of English Homework Correction10
      4.1In-class Checking..11
      4.2Peer Revision11
      4.3Face to Face Correction.11
      4.4Diversified Evaluation.12
    V. Conclusion.12
    I. Introduction

    Homework assignment is so important that any subject teaching cannot be without. Teaching in junior high school, teachers layout homework scientifically and rationally to improve teaching efficiency and students’ interest in learning. It is the implementation of the new English curriculum standard, and is the important content to promote the reform of teaching system of English curriculum in compulsory education stage. The requirements of the new curriculum standard are that homework assignment should be based on the students’ development, pay attention to the students’ interest, and focus on the development of students’ personality. It advocates the use of task to cultivate students’ practice ability and innovation spirit. It emphasizes that homework as a development platform can give students independent operation rights. It can provide a space to performance, introspect and summary for students. In addition, it can also evaluate their comprehensive skills effectively and provide a way to understand the development of students for teachers. Whether homework is well done or not is related to teaching effect. The traditional English teaching is mainly concerned with the class teaching, and homework is paid less attention at home. Now the center-role of students and the value of homework are paid less attention in China.
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