    Abstract   Humor, a linguistic phenomenon as well as a cultural phenomenon, plays significant roles all over the world. Because of the important psychological and social functions performed by humor, it can be used in both formal and informal occasions. People tend to use humor to lessen anxiety, to arouse others' interest, to relieve pressure, and to promote cooperation. Humor is not only a technique used by comedians or humorists for entertainment, but also a rather important tool for English teaching especially for high school students who are always under great pressure, this paper focus on the humor language application in English teaching, through comparing the effect of humor language teaching, some useful strategies are made for English Teaching.
    Key words:Humor language; English teaching; high school students
    The Application of Humor Language Usage in High School English teaching
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    3
    2.1 Humor    3
    2.1.1 Definition of Humor    3
    2.1.2 Classification of Humor    4
    2.1.3 Functions of Humor    5
    2.2 Humor language and Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)    5
    2.2.1 Obligation to Application Humor language in FLT    5
    2.3.2 Appropriateness to Application Humor language in FLT    6
    2.3.3 Methods to Application Humor language in FLT    7
    Ⅲ. Analyzing the Factors Affecting Humor Language Teaching    9
    3.1 Frequency of Humor Language Used in Senior High Schools FLT    9
    3.2 Types of Humor Language Used in Senior High Schools FLT    10
    3.3 Effects of Humor Language Used in Senior High Schools FLT    13
    IV.Application Strategies of Humor Language Teaching in High Schools    15
    4.1 Enhancing Lexical and Grammatical Power    16
    4.2 Assisting the Understanding and Using of Rhetoric Devices    17
     V.Conclusion    17
    Bibliography    19
    Acknowledgments    21
    I. Introduction
        Humor is the needs of the community. It may not be used to humiliate criticism, to save face, to ease relations, to attract public attention, and to seek cooperation. Humor also need in the classroom.
    It is believed that the appropriate use of humor in the classroom can promote student learning. Makewa and roles and Genga (2011) argued that humor can help physiological connection left brain activity, right brain creative side. Teachers often use humor to help maintain students’attention, arouse their interest, reduce their anxiety to establish a better relationship between teachers, improving the learning environment.
    1.1 Research Background
    Although humor is considered a very effective classroom teaching method, it has not been well integrated into the English teaching in China. From the traditional English teaching methods that affect the grammar-translation method, a number of English teachers in China, especially in rural areas, too often emphasized vocabulary and grammar, pay more attention to writing rather than oral form. Teachers usually play the main role in the classroom, it is mainly courses taught by teachers. Students are forced to sit in the classroom species, and keep quiet, most of which is actually very little learning.
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