    Abstract  Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City are respectively written by Jane Austen in 1813 and Zhang Ailing in 1914. Marriage and love are a perpetual theme in their works without exception. This paper will apply the methods of material collection and comparative analysis. Form the comparative research of the themes in Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City, such as the characters, love experiences and matrimony, the author concludes that some strong feminism women think that women are no dependency to men. Although they lived in the unequal men and women times, they try their best to strive equality of men and women in family and society. Form the comparative research of the themes of the two novels, the readers may have a further recognition for the two works.
    Key words: Pride and Prejudice; Love in a Fallen City; love; marriage; comparison       
    摘 要    i
    Abstract     ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. A Brief Account of the Authors and Works    2
     2.1 A Brief Introduction of Jane Austen and Zhang Ailing    2
     2.2 A Brief Introduction of the Two Works    4
     2.3 Literature Review    6
    III. The Comparison of Female Characteristics on Their Works    7
     3.1 Elizabeth Bennet    7
     3.2 Bai Liusu    9
    IV. The Comparison of the Heroines’ View of Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City    10
     4.1 Love between on Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City    11
     4.2 View of Marriage    12
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    The Comparison of the Themes of Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City
    I. Introduction
        From ancient times, there are rising phenomenons that men dominate the society in all aspects, in politics, economy and so on. But with the awakening of female consciousness, a great of number of women ask for the same rights as men, no longer willing to be subordinate to men. Hereafter a group of outstanding female writers had sprung up at home and abroad. Equality between men and women is the basic aim of Feminism. At the same time, women must attach importance to showing female unique charm and embodying self-worth when they struggle to get the equal status.
        Love and marriage are an eternal theme. Regardless of Chinese and Western, writers describe all kinds of love story. Zhang Ailing (1920-1995) and Jane Austen (1775-1817) are representative, which they have a deep understanding about marital psychology. They present to the reader from different perspective. Pride and Prejudice and Love in a Fallen City are two representative.
    Jane Austen was influenced by the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century. We can see that the British people changed in certain way through their works. In the 19th century British female status and her life condition are related to the quantity of her husband’s property. That is to say, the status of women was born less than men. Women loyal to her husband, tolerate family violence, hide their genius, which have been viewed as women's good virtue. Despite women were under this condition, they had no any awareness to resist for their own rights. They felt their own destiny that either marry to a man of quite property, or become unmarried maid, or to be a humble family teacher. In the three women’s lifestyle, female teachers' income is too low, and there is no guarantee; according to the practice of the society at that time, the rest life of old maids are to be put in an madhouse; so the females only depend on marriage, that is, men can help women to survive. A male’s appreciation and respect on a female, to some extent, are based on how much woman has a dowry.
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