
    On the Marketing Strategies of Ele.me’s Take-away Service Abstract With the development of the Internet technology, traditional commerce model are replaced by E-commerce gradually. And the study on the Internet marketing strategies get into people’s sight.O2O (Online to Offline), the new e-commerce model   developed rapidly since 2013. And the catering O2O become its important branch. More and more websites provide order food online.  42194

    According to Iresearc’s report(Ireseach ,2015),take-away online users’ number is up to 114 million by the end of 2015.And the turnover of the market is about 97.51 billon RMB, many institutions forecast that turnover will go beyond 200 billion RMB by the year of 2017. Ele.me is the biggest platform in China now , and the number of ele.me’s users , orders and transactions increased a lot in 2015.

    The study takes the industry characterstics into consideration and chooses the representative company, Ele.me as the object of the study. The study describes and analyzes its marketing strategies to find the problems. It aims to help consumers to know and experience the service. At the same time, it can be the reference for O2O model’s practice. 

    Key Words: Take-away service;  O2O;  Ele.me ;  Marketing strategies


    摘要随着互联网技术的成熟以及使用的范围全方位覆盖,在商业领域,传统的商业模式逐渐的被电子商务取代,网络营销策略的研究摆在了人们的眼前。在2013年后,O2O(Online To Online)这种电子商务新模式进入快速发展阶段,逐步关注移动设备与本地化的结合,外卖O2O模式成为O2O本地化的一个重要分支。



    关键词:外卖服务;  O2O;  饿了么;  营销策略



    On the Marketing Strategies of Ele.me’s Take-away Service i

    Abstract i

    论饿了么外卖营销策略研究 ii

    摘  要 ii

    Chapter one Introduction 5

    1.1 Research Background 5

    1.2 Research meaning and purpose 5

    1.3Research Contents and Methodology 5

    1.3.1Main Research Contents 5

    1.3.2 Research Methodology 6

    1.3.3 Literature Review 6

    CHAPTER Two Ele.me and Its Marketing Strategies 7

    2.1Introduction of Ele.me 7

    2.2Marketing Strategies with the Marketing Theory of 4Ps 7

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