
    Acknowledgements I’d like to express my gratitude to all those who have given me strength and help to complete the thesis.

    First of all, I’d like to show my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Associate Professor Ding who gave me valuable advice and enlightening directions in the long period of thesis writing. Whenever I met problems in my study, she was always ready to provide professional assistance for me.  44117

    I also want to thank all the teachers in the School of Foreign Languages of Normal University for their instructive and help throughout my university studies.

    I am grateful to all the lovely students and teachers participated in my survey and all the classmates and family who gave me help and encouragement during my thesis writing. 

    A Study on the Efficiency of Memorizing Vocabulary in Morning Reading 

    Abstract The paper mainly focuses on the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary in morning reading and tries to figure out a way to improve it. The questionnaire method, accompanied by the classroom observation and interview method is used to investigate the current situation. It is suggested that the mostly influencing factors of the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary are interests, reading forms and simplex activities. By this study, the author try to give some suggestions about what teachers can do to help students memorize vocabulary more efficiently.

    Key words:morning reading; memorizing vocabulary; efficiency; influencing factors


    摘  要本文旨在研究早读记单词的效率及其影响因素。本文以问卷调查法为主,以课堂观察和当面采访为辅来调查与研究早读记单词的效率现状`优尔^文*论|文\网www.youerw.com。研究发现,影响学生早读记单词的效率的因素有兴趣、朗读方式以及活动的单一性。通过这个粗浅的研究,笔者尝试就老师能够做什么以帮助学生提高早读记单词效率给出自己的一点建议。

    毕业论文关键词:早读;记单词; 效率; 影响因素


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the Research 1

    1.2 Purpose of the Research 1

    2. Literary Review 2

    2.1 The Definition of Vocavulary 2

    2.2 The Importance of Vocabulary in English Language Learning 2

    2.2.1 The Demand Vocabulary in New NECS2011 2

    2.2.2 Researches Identify the Importance of Vocabulary 2

    2.2 The Relationship between Reading Aloud and Memory 3

    2.3.1 Studies on the Relationship between Reading Aloud and Memory Abroad 3

    2.3.2 Studies on the Relationship between Reading Aloud and Memory at Home 4

    3. Resach Design 5

    3.1 Reasearch Questions and Hypothesis 5

    3.2 Reasearch Participants 5

    3.3 Research Methods and Procedures 5

    4. Results and Discussion 7

    4.1 Results and Analysis of Classroom Observations 7

    4.2 Results and Analysis of Interviews 7

    4.3 Results and Analysis of Questionaires 7

    5. Conclusion 12

    5.1 Possible Findings 12

    5.1.1 Major Problems

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