Abstract Charles Dickens is a typical critical realist writer in the 19th century。 Humanitarianism is an invariable topic in Dickens’ works and his works reflect it profoundly。 This paper aims to elaborate Dickens’ political attitudes, depiction of characters of different categories, and the religious themes contained in the novel these three aspects in order to analyze Dickens’ humanitarianism presented in A Tale of Two Cities。 However, owing to his bourgeois status, Dickens’ humanitarianism carries its limits。 Nevertheless, his bourgeois constraints haven’t weakened the active influence that has exerted upon his time, and also this humanitarianism can still be used as aspiring reference in present world。 77032

Keywords: Charles Dickens; A Tale of Two Cites; humanitarianism





2。Literature Review2

3。Humanitarianism Embodied in Dickens’ Political Attitude3

3。1 Dickens’ ambivalence about the Revolution and the revolutionaries4

3。2 Social reformation5

4。Humanitarianism Embodied in Characterization。5

4。1 Negative characters6

4。2 Contradictory characters6

4。3 Ideally positive characters9

5。 Humanitarianism Embodied in the Means of Religious Salvation9

5。1 Human love10

5。2 Spiritual resurrection11

6。 Conclusion12

Works Cited。。。14

1。 Introduction 

Charles Dickens is regarded as the greatest English novelist and a literary genius of the Victorian period in the 19th century and made significant contribution to British literature。 Domestic academics generally regard him as “the reflector and critic of English capitalism, and the backbone of Victorian’s morality。” (Zhao 35) In a word, he is the conscience of Victorian England。 He has created some most memorable fictional characters and his works and short stories have enjoyed everlasting applaud。 His works, including A Tale of Two Cities and many other masterpieces, such as Oliver Twist and David Cooperfield, all have condemned the darkness of British parliamentary system, laws, judiciary and prison, but they are just made up a tiny part of the content。 Around the year of 1857, Dickens decided a writing of history, especially a work of reflecting the Revolution breaking out from 1789 to 1794。 论文网

In Victorian era, since poverty, child labor and prostitution could be noticed everywhere and the Revolution strongly exerted inspiring influence upon people under oppression, people focused more attention on human beings themselves, therefore leading to the trend towards humanitarianism。 Humanitarianism, dating from the Renaissance, historically focused on human, calling for qualities of kindness, charity, and love to all human beings。 Now it has extended to the grounds of age, race, or religion。 Charles Dickens chose humanitarianism as his main theme and brought it to a summit。

The Crimean War in 1853 and the Panic in 1857 brought great concern to Dickens for British future under this unrest and gloomy situation。 Accordingly, Dickens wanted a way of giving vent to his anger and anxiety and to waken up the self-satisfied British government。 Due to these concerns and after years of conceiving, Dickens gave birth to the great work he’s ever made, A Tale of Two Cities。

















