摘 要朱利安·巴恩斯是英国最重要的当代作家之一,以其多产,丰富的文学形式,吸引了国内外文学评论界的高度关注。通过文献法来分析朱利安·巴恩斯的作品《终结的意义》,从两方面探讨作品中托尼的记忆运作过程中的身份建构:关于对他人(艾德里恩,维罗妮卡及其家人)的形象进行记忆运作并导致这些人物形象扭曲;关于托尼自己的记忆运作,如何通过记忆运作,将自己塑造成情感纠葛的受害者,伪装成宽容善良的好男人。本研究是对朱利安·巴恩斯的文学作品研究的新发现,对提高朱利安·巴恩斯在中国的影响有积极的作用。83430


AbstractJulian Barnes is one of the most important contemporary British writers。 His intensely prolific genres have attracted literature critics’ great attention at home and abroad。 Through the study and analysis of Barnes’ the Sense of an Ending, this paper probes into the personal identity construction of representation of exercise of memory from the following two aspects: the exercise of memory about others, distortion in Tony’s memory of Adrian, Veronica and Veronica’s family; the exercise of memory about Tony himself, that is, how Tony remembers himself as innocent victim, sets himself as forgiver, constructing his role as jealous avenger。 The current study sheds new light to Julian Barnes’ works and attains effective improvement of Julian Barnes’ influence in China。 

Key words: Julian Barnes; identity construction; the Sense of an Ending; exercise of memory


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 An Overview of Julian Barnes and His Works The Sense of an Ending 2

2。1 An Introduction to Julian Barnes and His Works 2

2。2 An Introduction to the Sense of an Ending 3

III。 The Exercise of Memory About Others 4

3。1 Distortion in Tony’s Memory of Veronica 4

3。2 Distortion in Tony’s Memory of Adrian 6

3。3 Distortion in Tony’s Memory of Veronica’s Family 7

IV。 The Exercise of Memory About Tony Himself 8

4。1 Setting Himself as Forgiver 9

4。2 Constructing Himself as Faithful Friend 10

4。3 Forgetting His Role as Jealous Revenger 12

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgments 16

The Exercise of Memory in Julian Barnes’ Fiction

I。 Introduction 

Julian Barnes is a very important British writer。 He is perhaps the most versatile author of an talented generation of writers, and his is intensely prolific in many genres。 He is a winner of quite a few prestigious literary prizes at home and abroad。 It is alledged that many critics lay stress on Julian Barnes and pay more attention to Barnes’ fiction so that there are a lot of monographs that are very popular and available whether in English or foreign languages addressing key issues of the relationship of history, art, and truth and the themes of life and death in most of Barnes’ important books。 A large amount of essays have been published in recent years, mainly focusing on the analysis from the perspective of the theories of postmodernism, deconstructionism and narratology, and most of the them concern about Barnes’ most successful novel, Flaubert’s Parrot, and Arthur & George。 Julian Barnes’ works play an important role in contemporary British literature。 So domestic study on Julian Barnes’ works has a long way to go。 Some critics have acknowledged that history and functionality are Barnes’ major targets to write。 This paper plans to begin from Barnes’ representation of exercise of memory in personal identity construction in his the Sense of an Ending which was awarded the Man Booker Prize in October 2011。

















