
    Acknowledgments Paper writing is one of the most challenging tasks I have ever taken through my college life. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, which either help to yield the original ideas of this thesis, or render indispensible support during the writing. 42871

    My profound gratitude first goes to my supervisor Hu Yan, without whose guidance and assistance I can’t complete this paper. Her professional advice and instructions help me to overcome the difficulties at every stage of the process of writing this paper.  I am grateful to all my teachers. Their comprehensive knowledge and earnest instructions cultivated my mind and broadened my horizon.

    I also have to sincerely thank my friends who have offered me useful suggestions and encouraged me to carry on when I was in the predicament of writing; especially. I’d also thank the authors of the related treatises and literature cited by me in this paper; because without their help and enlightenment, it is impossible for me to complete this paper. Finally, I have to thank my parents. They raised me up, and they always have my back.

    Abstract(Times New Roman, 四号加粗,左对齐)

    Huxley’s Brave New World enjoys a high reputation among English language fiction world. In this paper, the author is going to utilize Freud’s psychoanalytic theories as a unique perspective to analyze the nature of the society in the novel and reveal Huxley’s writing purpose.

    The author reviews the background of Huxley and his writing, and gives a brief introduction to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories in the first place. Then, unconscious theory, group psychology and pan-sex theory are demonstrated in the social structure of World State to ensure the stability, identity and community of the society. Lastly, personality structure theory and Oedipus theory are applied to analyze three leading characters in the novel, revealing the internal factors which determined their different behaviors and endings.

    The originality of this paper lies in its new approach to interpret the novel Brave New World from a macro social perspective to a micro inpidual perspective, and the application of Freudian psychoanalytic theories, through which we can not only have a better understanding of Freudian psychoanalytic theories, but also shed light on the perplexing social phenomenon and inpidual psyche in Huxley’s fiction.

    Key Words: Brave New World, Freud, psychoanalytic theories


     摘要赫胥黎的《美丽新世界》一直在英语文学界享有盛誉. 在本文中,作者将使用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论这一独特的角度来分析小说中社会的本质以及作者的写作意图。





    Acknowledgments i

    Abstract ii

    摘要 iii

    1 Introduction

  1. 上一篇:德语论文《夏屋,以后》中德国青年的精神世界
  2. 下一篇:德语论文诗意现实主义下的德语成长小说《绿衣亨利》
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