
    Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis. All of them helped me a lot.44162

    First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. for her instructive suggestions and valuable comments. She was patient and nice to help me during the research. Without her help, I might not finish this thesis successfully.

    I also want to thank the leader of Xiao Cao’e Middle School for permitting me to carry out the research. And thanks for all the teachers’ and students’ cooperation. Without their participation in the investigation, I would not get the data and finish this thesis.

    Besides, I am deeply grateful for all my teachers in college. They taught me literature, skills and many other things. What’s more, their attitude towards life and knowledge deeply affected me, which will help me a lot in my future life. 

    At last, I would like to say thanks to my classmates and roommates. Thanks for their answers and help when I was puzzled. Without them, I would not finish the thesis so smoothly. 

     On the Application and Problems of Cooperative Learning in Junior Middle School English Classes

    Abstract Cooperative learning came to China in 1980s. As an effective teaching method, it attracted a lot of teachers and scholars. However, cooperative learning is still new in China. The research on how to apply cooperative learning in English teaching, especially in junior middle school English teaching is limited. In order to have a deep understanding of current English teaching situation and existing problems in junior middle school, the author carried out a research in a middle school.

    In the study, the main research methods include literature review, interview method, questionnaire method and observation method. In the literature review part, the author searched many relevant professional books and articles. And in the experiment, the author used three research methods to get ample data for later analysis.

    The author carried out the experiment in Xiao Cao’e Middle School in Yu Yao. The subjects covered from Grade 1 to Grade 3, including 280 students and 12 English teachers. From the data, the author found lots of problems existing in cooperative learning in junior middle school English classes, such as low efficiency, uneven distribution of grouping, low participation of some students, misunderstanding and so on. The author listed three main problems and put forward corresponding solutions from the aspect of grouping, task design and others. 

    In the study, a detailed introduction of cooperative learning will be given at first, including the definition and development. In the development part, both China and abroad will be involved. In the next part, the current situation of education (in terms of students and school facilities and resources) in junior middle school will be introduced. Next part is about the basic theories. They are the theory of hierarchy needs of Maslow, the cognitive development theory of Piaget and motivation theory. Chapter three is the process of the whole experiment and chapter four is data analysis. Then the last part is conclusion.

    Keywords: cooperative learning; English teaching; junior middle school; current situation; problems




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