摘 要习语是民族语言的重要组成部分,是经过长时间使用提炼出来的语言的精华。英语中许多含有动物形象的习语,它们与英国民族的自然环境,社会背景,社会实践活动等息息相关。本文旨在具体分析英语动物习语的形成背景及特点,并深刻探讨英语动物习语的汉译策略,以达到在翻译过程中,既忠实英语原文又使汉语读者深刻理解原文的目的,并能更好地体现“信,达,雅”的翻译原则。84028


Abstract    Being an important part of the national language, idiom is the quintessence of a language, which is refined in the process of long-time use。 Many English idioms with animal images are closely related to the British natural environment, social background, social activities and so on。 This paper aims to make a specific analysis on the formation background and characteristics of English animal idioms, and finally explore the effective translation strategies for English-to-Chinese translation。 This study will be helpful, in the process of translation, to achieve both faithful English and Chinese readers’ deep understanding of the original meaning。 And the Chinese translation of English animal idioms can better convey the famous translation principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance”。

Key words: animal idioms; formation background; English-to-Chinese translation strategies;


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 3

II。 The Formation of English Animal Idioms 4

2。1 Historical Background 4

2。2 Environment 4

2。3 Faith 5

2。4 Custom 6

III。Characteristics of English Animal Idioms 6

3。1 Universality 6

3。2 Stability 7

3。3 Integrity 8

3。4 Rhetorical 8

3。5 Diversity 11

3。6 Unity 12

IV。 Translation Strategies 12

4。1 Literal translation 12

4。2 Substitution 13

4。3 Paraphrase Translation 14

4。4 Domestication Translation 15

4。5 Foreignization Translation 16

IV。 Conclusion 19

Bibliography 20

Acknowledgements 21

On the Characteristics of English Animal Idioms and  English-to-Chinese Translation Strategies

I。 Introduction 

English idiom is a highly developed language。 Ke Lin, an English linguist, said: “In standard spoken and written English today, idiom is a universal and essential element。 And it is used with care and ornament, and it enriches the language”(132)。 The definition of idioms given by oxford English dictionary is “A peculiarity of phraseology approved by usage of language and often has a special signification other than its grammatical or logical one”(274)。 

During the development of language, idiom is the essence of the language after a long period of social practice。 Idiom refers to those that are fixed together, and have a particular form of expression。 English animal idiom is difficult for different nations with different social system and customs, thus there is a huge difference between English and Chinese animal idioms in terms of expression and understanding。 Most idioms’ meaning is vague, and it is difficult to see its true meaning literally。 American translation theorist Euque Nide said that translation is the communication between the two cultures, it is more important to convey the true meaning of the original text(147)。 To be familiar with two cultures is more significant than to master the two languages for the true success of translation, for words only have their meaning in the context of their culture。 In the translation of animal idioms, we should fully consider the cultural connotation contained in source language, combined with the cultural background and adopt the appropriate strategies。 

















