

    实验中,安吉路实验学校初一的两个班级67名学生被作为被试,他们的英语老师是教学的实践者。其中,三班的学生作为实验组,二班的学生作为对照组。实验前,通过问卷的形式对他们做了前测调查,了解学生的词汇学习以及对词汇联想的认识等基本情况。在实验过程中,对于实验组的学生,老师采用词汇联想的方法对他们进行词汇教学;而对于对照组的学生,老师沿用传统的词汇教学方式进行词汇教学。实验后,根据从问卷以及测试所收集的统计数据和情况来看,实验组的学生在英语词汇学习上比对照组取得了更大的进步。 而总体而言,它也通过证明以上三个问题,说明词汇联想是可以在初中英语词汇教学中被采纳并有可能帮助初中学生更好学习英语词汇。  



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 The Background of the Research 1

    1.2 The Purpose of the Research 2

    1.3 The Structure of the Research 2

    2. Literature Review 4

    2.1 Vocabulary Teaching in Junior High School 4

    2.1.1 The Status of Junior English Vocabulary Teaching 4

    2.1.2 The Problems of Junior English Vocabulary Teaching 5

    2.2 Word Association 6

    2.2.1 Implication of Word Association 6

    2.2.2 Classification of Words Association 9

    2.2.3 Related Research on Word Associative Methods 13

    3. Methodology 15

    3.1 Subjects 15

    3.2 Research Instruments 16

    3.3 Research Procedure 17

    4. Results and Discussions 19

    4.1 Results 19

    4.1.1 The Results and Analysis of Questionnaires 19

    4.1.2 The Results and Analysis of Tests 24

    4.2 Discussion 25

    5. Conclusions 27

    5.1 Major Finding 27

    5.2 Inspirations From the Research 27

    5.3 Limitation of the Research 28

    Reference 29

    1. Introduction

    1.1 The Background of the Research

    Through two months English teaching in a junior high school, the author found a pervasive problem of most students in the junior high school, that is, they have difficulties in English vocabulary learning, and they do not like being asked to copy English words by teachers but without great effects on memorizing vocabulary. It really calls up the author to focus on the problem, and by rethinking the English learning procedure the author herself experienced, the problem seem never disappeared in so many years. Teachers’ traditional vocabulary teaching method is so boring that even junior students can also teach themselves in that way, and the homework is also constant style of coping and dictation. 

    However, it is obvious that English study is essential with the development of globalization. So learning English well can help you have more chances to connect with people from all around the world. Vocabulary is of great importance in language learning, especially for English as a foreign language (EFL)learners. The development of a rich vocabulary is an essential element in acquisition of second language (Nunan, 1991: 118). To acquire more English words as many as possible and enrich lexical size is an expectation and requirement for almost all English language learners. If there is no word, nothing can be conveyed (Welkins, 1972). What’s more, there are quantities of studies illustrating that a large lexicon can promote learners’ writing and reading abilities. The perspective that vocabulary should be put at the center of language teaching is advocated by many educators (Lewis, 1993). Thus, English vocabulary teaching should play important role in English teaching and students’ English learning. Meanwhile, in the author’s opinion, studying in junior high school should be the first period that students truly start English vocabulary comprehensively, so junior English vocabulary teaching should be noticed. 

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