
    An Analysis of Different Connotations of Color Terms in Chinese and English Abstract Various kinds of colors make the world colorful. Color terms are closely related with culture. If we use color terms to describe the concrete things, the expressions of all nations and cultures are the same. For example, the sea is blue. However, if we use color terms to describe the abstract things, different cultures have different expressions. In other words, the basic meanings of color terms in Chinese and English are the same, but the cultural connotations of the color terms are different. This paper will analyze the different connotations of color terms in Chinese and English, taking white, red and black, the three kinds of colors as examples. In addition, it will discuss the cultural factors that cause these differences. Finally it will discuss how to deal with these differences in the translation.46961

    Keywords: Color terms; Connotations; Connotations; Translation



    毕业论文关键词:颜色词; 内涵; 文化差异;翻译


    1. Introduction 1

    2. General Introduction of Different Connotations of Color Terms in Chinese and English 2

    2. 1.  Different Connotations of White in Chinese and English 2

    2. 2.  Different Connotations of Red in Chinese and English 2

    2. 3.  Different Connotations of Black in Chinese and English 3

    3.  Cultural Reasons Contributing to the Different Connotations of Color Terms in Chinese and English 4

    3. 1.  The Reason of Different Historical Traditions 4

    3. 2.  The Reason of Different Thinking Patterns 4

    3. 3.  The Reason of Different Religions 5

    4.  Strategies of Translation When the Connotations of Color Terms is Different 7

    4. 1.  Free Translation 7

            4.1.1  Omission 7  The Definition of Omission 7  The Examples of Omission 7

    4.1.2  Addition 8  The Definition of Addition 8  The Examples of Addition 8

    4.1.3  Changing the Color 8  The Definition of Changing the Color 8  The Examples of Changing the Color 8

    4. 2.  Annotation 9

    4.2.1  The Definition of Annotation 9

    4.2.2  The Examples of Annotation 9


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