
    A Survey of Junior High School Students’ Reading Strategies in English Teaching Abstract Besides listening, speaking and writing, reading plays an important role in language acquisition . As one of the most essential ways of inputting in English learning, reading builds a bridge between authors and readers and help readers obtain knowledge. Reading strategies help students read effectively and improve their reading ability.This study aims to examine the situation of using English reading strategies in Hangzhou junior high school classroom teaching and what kinds of reading strategies are actually used, and more importantly, how to cultivate students’ reading strategies in classroom teaching by investigating students in Hangzhou No.15 Middle School by means of questionnaire. The data show that there is a relationship between students’ reading comprehension grades and the applying of reading strategies, students’ ability of applying for reading strategies is not good enough and the teaching of the reading strategies is higher than expected and also higher than many other researches’ statistics. At last, the study recommends students should realize the importance of using reading strategies and teachers should pay attention to students’ real use of strategies, not only teach and emphasize strategies but also cultivate students’ own ability of using them in any reading materials.47435

    Keywords: reading strategies; junior high school students; English teaching





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1The definition of reading strategies 2

    2.2 The classification of reading strategies 3

    2.3 Research at home and aboard 4

    3. Methodology 6

    3.1 Research Questions 6

    3.2 Participates 6

    3.3 Instrument 6

    4. Results and Discussion 8

    4.1 Results 8

    4.2 Discussion 12

    4.3 A Teaching Case 13

    5. Conclusion.............15

    1. Introduction

        Reading, as one of the four basic learning skills of English, is a main access of language input. It is the main approach to get foreign information and enjoy foreign literature. Reading builds a bridge between the author and reader and help readers obtain knowledge. Reading is of great significance for language learners. The proper use of reading strategies would help English learners improve their English reading ability. Researchers generally believed that the students’ basic reading strategies could help them improve the reading levels. Since the 1970s, a large number of experiments proved the effectiveness of teaching reading strategies. Some researchers (O’Malley and Chamot, 1990; Chamot &Kupper, 1989; Oxford ,1990) had found that there was a close relationship between strategy use and academic achievements, in other words, the correlation between the proper use of reading strategies and examination results.

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