
    A Research on Effective Questioning in English Reading Classes of a Junior High School Abstract Reading teaching is playing an increasingly important role in junior high school English teaching. Go for it, an English textbook for junior high school students, has a reading text in each unit from Grade 8 to Grade 9. Students will not only accumulate some basic knowledge of English, but also form certain skills integrated language use by reading widely.47574

    Teachers’ questioning is a frequently-used form of interactions between teachers and students and has become one of the most important ways for teachers to guide students to read. Questioning not only is the important source for students’ input, but also create opportunities for students to output. Effective teacher questioning is efficient in to helping students better comprehend the English texts, and improving the effect of reading teaching. Therefore, the study of effective teacher questioning in reading classes of a junior high schools is vital for improving the quality of English reading teaching.

    The participants involved were three junior high school teachers and 126 students from Cangqian Middle School, Hangzhou. Three reading classes were observed and teachers were interviewed after class. Go for it is used as the main teaching material, and the features of teacher questioning are analyzed in four aspects ---- forms of questions, types of questions, ways of questioning and strategies of questioning. The study investigates the present situation of teacher questioning, and tries to offer some suggestions for future English reading teaching .

    The results of this study indicate that “wh-” questions are mainly used in the English reading classes; teachers produce more display questions than referential questions, more low-level questions than high-level questions; In addition, teachers use more nominating and chorus questioning; teachers apply more strategies of prompting and paraphrasing compared with the strategy of repeating.

    According to the results mentioned above, some implications are given for teacher questioning in reading class of junior high schools, such as that teachers are expected to read more theoretical books or articles about teacher questioning; that teachers should question appropriately and increase the ratio of referential questions and high-level questions; that teachers should flexibly apply different ways and strategies of questioning.

    Key words: teacher questioning; reading class; junior high school


    摘  要初中英语教学中,阅读教学占有重要的地位。由人民教育出版社出版的 Go for it 这套教材从八年级下册到九年级全册中的每个单元都设有阅读课。通过大量和广泛的阅读,使学生不但积累一定的英语基础知识,同时培养学生形成一定的综合语言运用能力。


    笔者选取了杭州市一所初中的3名英语教师和126名初二学生作为研究样本,以教材 Go for it 八上年级的课本为内容,首先对3名英语教师的阅读课堂进行观察,记录;然后对126名初二学生进行问卷调查;最后对教师进行后续访谈。对初中英语阅读课堂中教师提问的问题形式、问题类型、提问方式以及提问策略这四个方面的特征进行归纳和分析。通过分析目前初中英语教师阅读课堂教师提问的使用现状,尝试对初中英语阅读课的有效的教师提问提出一些建议。

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