
    An Analysis of Missing Response after Teacher Question in Primary School English Class Abstract  Recently, missing response in primary school English class has been an universal phenomenon, which has largely impede students linguistic development and teachers successful teaching. In this study, question and answer sequences in primary school English language classes are investigated. By employing the framework of conversation analysis, this study explores cases in which student responses are obviously missing after teacher questions and displays teacher interpretation of the missing responses. This study uses 18h of video-recorded primary school English classes gathered in Ding Lan Primary School in Hangzhou. The analysis displayed that overwhelming teachers attributed students’ missing responses to students’ insufficient linguistic knowledge and such interpretation was discovered to be particular to language classrooms. Besides, in coping with missing responses due to students’ linguistic problems, teachers tended to prefer coping with problems in understanding questions primarily to coping with problems in producing the answers primarily. However, there were also cases in which teachers regarded their failure in producing questions appropriately as the source of the missing responses. In such cases the trajectory of the interaction approximated to that of mundane conversation and other types of institutional interaction. This study hints the significant effects of instantaneous interactive decisions teachers make in classrooms.   47601

    Keywords: question, answer, missing response, interpretation, attribution


    摘要 近年来,小学英语课堂学生沉默是一个普遍现象,这对于提高学生英语表达能力和促进教师正常课堂教学都产生了不良影响。这篇论文就是研究小学英语课堂师生问答情况。通过会话分析的方法, 这篇论文研究了那些在教师提问后学生沉默的实例,并由此反映教师对于学生沉默现象的理解。这篇论文运用了在杭州丁兰小学英语课堂收集的近18小时的课堂视屏。通过分析,我们发现多数教师将学生在他们提问后的沉默现象归因于他们不足的语言知识,而且这种想法在语言课上尤为突出。此外,教师在应对由于学生语言知识不足而引起的沉默现象时,往往更倾向于先解决学生在理解老师问题上的难题而不是学生在回答问题上的难题。然而,也有实例反映教师将学生的沉默现象归因于他们自己不当的提问方式。 而这种课堂实例中的师生交互轨迹近似于日常会话和其他种类的职业对话。 这篇论文意在说明教师在课堂上作出的即时的师生交互决定的重要性。

    毕业论文关键词: 提问, 回答, 未答现象, 解释, 归因


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Research background 1

        1.2 Significance and aims of the study 1

    1.3 Research questions 1

    1.4 Structure of the study 2

    2. Literature review 2

        2.1 Conversation analysis 2

        2.2 Researches about question-response sequences 3

            2.2.1 Researches about question-response sequencesin quotidian conversation 3

            2.2.2 Researches about question-response sequencesin classroom conversation 3

      3. Methodology 4

        3.1 Data collection

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