摘 要教师话语是教师行为的重要组成部分,是指教师在第二语言外语学习的课堂上为组织和从事教学所使用的语言。本文探讨了教师话语的构成及中小学英语课堂教学现状,回顾了教师话语的国内外研究现状,分析了在我国英语课堂中教师话语存在的一些问题并提出了分析策略、控制策略和反馈策略来帮助教师调节和规范自己的课堂语言,促进学习者的语言习得,从而提高中小学英语课堂教学效果。教师话语在语言教学中起着极其重要的作用, 它不仅是教学的媒介, 也是学生语言输入的一个重要来源。82606


Abstract    Teacher talk is an important part of teacher’s behaviors and refers to the language which is used by teachers to organize and engage in teaching and learning in the classroom of second foreign language learning。 This paper discusses the composition of teacher talk and the current situation of English classroom teaching in primary and secondary schools, reviews the domestic and foreign research status of teacher talk , analyzes some problems of teacher talk in English class in China and finally puts forward the planning strategies, control strategies and feedback strategies to help teachers to adjust, standardize their own classroom language, promote learners’ language acquisition and improve the teaching of primary and secondary schools’ English language classroom。 Teacher talk plays an extremely important role in language teaching。 It is not only the medium of teaching, but also an important source of students’ language input。 

Key words: English classes in primary and secondary schools; Teacher talk; Application strategies


摘要 i


I。 Introduction 1

II。 The Definition and Classification of Teacher Talk 2

 2。1 Definition of Teacher Talk 2

 2。2 The Classification of Teacher Talk 3

III。 The Current Situation of English Teacher Talk in Primary and Secondary School 5

 3。1 Excessive Teacher Talk 6

 3。2 Low Quality of Teacher Talk 7

 3。3 Inappropriate Feedback 9

IV。 Strategies to Improve the Teacher Talk in Primary and Secondary Schools 9

 4。1 Planning Strategies 9

 4。2 Control Strategies。。。11

 4。3 Feedback Strategies 。13 

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgements 18

The Application Strategies of English Teacher Talk in Primary and Secondary Schools

I。 Introduction

China is a country which has the world largest population and makes English as a foreign language to learn。 With the development and implementation of various policies, the trend of continuing to accelerate the pace is getting more and more obvious。 Learning English is important。 In most of the classroom in China, English is a foreign language which is not a second language, because we do not speak English in daily communication。 Therefore, the classroom is the only source of learning English。 This reason promotes us to focus on the language which is spoken by teachers in the classroom, because it is a crucial source of input students’ language learning and also it is the main guidance of the students practice。 The language which has been through the process of the classroom teaching is also called teacher talk。 It is a tool in which teachers carry out the teaching plan and is also an important source of language input。 Therefore, in the organization of classroom teaching and the process of students’ language acquisition, teacher talk plays a crucial role (Nunan 41)。 Whether the teaching can be carried out smoothly or not, whether the classroom atmosphere is active or not and whether there is an organized teacher talk greatly influences the teaching effect。 Although the traditional teaching model is gradually changing, in most of the time, the teacher stands in front of the classroom to teach class。 Obviously, in the Chinese English teaching environment, English teacher talk is language which is mainly used in the interaction between teachers with the students。 Therefore, we still need to study the application of teacher talk in this process of interaction and to improve the quality of teacher talk in this interaction as much as possible (Pollard 34; Macaro 43)。

















