As Wang Yinquan (1999) said, the teacher talk will directly affect learners’ language output, so the quality of teacher talk is considered to be one of the important standards to measure ability and comprehensive quality of the teaching (55)。 There are many factors that influence the teaching effect and students’ learning effect, among which the teacher talk is one of the most important factors。 The language used by English teachers in classroom teaching will directly influence the quality and level of students’ Second Language Acquisition (He 170)。 Because whether the application of teacher talk in the classroom is directly affects the promotion of classroom teaching to students’ learning and especially promote the construction of students’ knowledge。 Kraker (2000) pointed out that the study of teacher talk was one of the important ways to study the effects of classroom teaching (313)。 Teacher talk takes up percent of 70 to 80。 It is of great significance to study the quality of teacher talk as a language input in English classroom teaching which is as the choice of the mode of communication of teaching medium (Nunan 56)。 Teacher talk has a close relationship with teachers’ teaching theory, the ability of teaching practice, teaching methods and so on。 Therefore, the study of teachers’ teacher talk can not only understand the application of teacher talk, find problems which exist in teacher talk to help the teacher to gradually improve the quality of the teacher talk, track the development course of teachers and understand the changes of teachers which is occurred in all respects。 Through the analysis of teacher talk, teachers can more comprehensively understand their own teaching experience, understand the meaning and value of their own education and teaching and lay the foundation for teachers to pursue professional development (Rymes 49)。论文网

II。 The Definition and Classification of Teacher Talk

2。1 Definition of Teacher Talk

    Teacher talk is the language which is generated in the process of organization of teaching and teaching knowledge。 It is not only different from the teacher’s life discourse, but also different from other professional language and it is a kind of variants of teaching language。 Teacher talk carries important factor which includes knowledge information, instruction, emotion attitude and so on, so teacher talk is a kind of medium of communication between teachers and students。 Teacher talk is not only a tool for teachers to implement the teaching plan, but also decides the success or failure of the classroom teaching。 We analyze whether the teacher is reasonable and effective to use teacher talk, whether the teacher talk is consistent with the purpose of classroom teaching activities and whether effectively contributes to the achievement of teaching purposes。 Good language ability is necessary for a qualified teacher。 Only by mastering and using teacher talk, can teachers improve their professional level and teaching quality and grasp the status and influence of teaching language in the process of teaching。 The study of English teacher talk can make people understand the status of English teachers’ teacher talk, promote teachers to adjust and standardize the language of their own, enhance the awareness of occupational language, stimulate the creativity of teachers, achieve effective teacher-student interaction and improve the level and efficiency of teaching。

Nunan (1991) argued that in the English classroom, teacher talk was not only the target language of learners, but also was the teaching media (58)。 It not only plays the exemplary role of the target language, but also an important source of students’ language input。 Ellis (1994) believed that teacher talk was the language which foreign language teachers in the classroom teaching, in order to promote teacher-student interaction and students’ second language learning, adjust their language form and function (132)。 Different scholars have given different definitions of teacher talk and these definitions also allow us to understand better what the teacher talk is。 However, English classroom teacher talk in primary and secondary schools, under the Chinese language environment, has its own characteristics。 In order to enable students to have more contact with English, teacher talk should have the model function of language input, the target language and the function of organizing classroom。 According to the definition of teacher talk, the author will think the teacher talk as the language which has been produced in the organization and implementation of the English classroom teaching and which is mainly in English and also includes the mother tongue。

















