
    A Theoretical Analysis on Teaching Strategies of English Synonyms in High School Abstract The main focus of this paper is to analyze the vocabulary teaching strategies and find some proper teaching strategies for synonyms teaching in high school based on a research about students’ background of learning vocabulary and their existing knowledge of some required synonyms. 42 male and 56 female students of senior one participated in the research. The date was collected and according to the analysis of the data, some factors that may influence the synonyms learning were found. In order to reduce the influence of these factors in synonyms learning, some examples of teaching strategies were given to show the appropriateness of those teaching strategies in synonyms teaching.47712

    Keywords: teaching strategy, vocabulary, synonyms





    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background and Purpose 1

    1.2 Research Questions 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 What is teaching strategy? 2

    2.1.1 Definition and Significance of Teaching Strategy 2

    2.1.2 Category of Teaching Strategy 2

    2.2 What is vocabulary teaching? 2

    2.2.1 The Concept of Vocabulary 2

    2.2.2 Category of Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 2

    2.2.3 The Present Situation of Vocabulary Teaching in High School 3

    2.3 What is synonym? 4

    2.3.1 The Origin and the Definition of Synonym 4

    2.3.2 The Category of Synonyms 4

    2.3.3 The Significance of Synonyms Learning 4

    2.3.4 The Previous Studies on Synonyms Teaching 5

    2.4 Summary 5

    3. Method 6

    3.1 Participants 6

    3.2 Instruments 6

    3.3 Procedure 6

    4. Findings and Discussion 7

    4.1 Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Students’ Acquisition of English Synonyms 7

    4.1.1 Analysis of Q 1 & Q 2 7

    4.1.2 Analysis of Q 3 & Q 4 8

    4.1.3 Analysis of Q 6 & Q 7 9

    4.2 Analysis of the Open-ended Questions 10

    4.2.1 Students’ Difficulties in Vocabulary Learning 10

    4.2.2 The Reasons of Memorizing Vocabulary With or Without Interest 10

    4.3 Analysis on the Application of Teaching Strategies in Synonyms Teaching

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