
    Abstract Non-english majors’ English ability including listening, speaking, reading and writing has been improved relatively. However, it is hard for them to get a larger breakthrough after they have got a certain level of achievements, which can be indicated by the recent performance of their College English Tests. The passing rate of College English Test Band 4 and 6 is relatively low. Vocabulary is a crucial barrier to learners’ improvements. As a solid foundation of second language learning, vocabulary plays an important role in promoting language ability. However, there are many strategies can be employed to facilitate the learning of vocabulary. So, what about the general situation of vocabulary learning strategies use among non-english major students? Is there some detailed differences in vocabulary learning strategies use between 1) art majors and science majors; 2) male students and female students? These are the questions this study aims to answer.47888

    In the study, 40 non-english majors from Hangzhou Normal University are involved. Among them, 20 are female students and 20 are male students, 20 students are art majored and 20 students are science majored. With the adoption of a questionnaire adapted from Gu and Johnson (1996) , 40 students were tested. And by using SPSS 17.0, the collection and analysis of the data revealed that,

       1). Non-english majors use cognitive strategies more frequently than meta-cognitive strategies during vocabulary learning. In the subcategories of meta-cognitive strategies, they use strategy of selective attention more widely than leaner autonomy. As for the specific cognitive strategies, the detailed order of frequency is grouping, guessing, dictionary use, repetition, word formation, imagery, contextualization, association, note-taking.

       2). There exists some slight differences in the use of VLS between science majors and art majors. Science majors use the learner autonomy, imagery, word formation, grouping and note-taking strategies more frequently than art majors. However, there is no significant difference in the use of VLS between two groups. In addition, both science and art majors use little word formation during vocabulary learning.

       3). Male students and female students have their own preferred strategies. Male students frequently use the strategies at meta-cognitive level while the female students prefer to use the strategies at cognitive level. Although there do exist some slight discrepancies, there is no significant difference between them except for the use of dictionary use strategy.

       With the findings, the writer wants to share the valuable information to further promote non-english majors’ ability of learning English and improve teachers’ vocabulary teaching.

    Keywords: vocabulary learning strategies; non-english majors; cognitive strategies; meta-cognitive strategies   



       那么,当代非英语专业大学生的词汇学习策略使用情况大致如何?文理科生以及男女学生在词汇学习策略的使用上又是否具有异同?为回答这些问题,本研究将杭州师范大学40名非英语专业学生作为被试,将改编自Gu and Johnson版本的问卷作为调查工具,利用SPSS17.0 进行数据描述,独立样本T检验,得出了以下结论:

       (1). 相对于元认知策略的使用,非英语专业学生在学习词汇时更偏向于使用认知策略。其中,分类,猜测和查字典是他们学习词汇时使用最频繁的,做笔记策略的使用频率最低。

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