
    2. Literature review

     There are all together around 250 academic thesises and books that have been collected to have a brief analysis on Jane Austen’ s view of marriage in 2000-2014 domestically.

        A great number of them analyze Austen’ s view of marriage through Austen’ s novels. For instance,  Guan Xian-heng in The Marriages in “Pride and Prejudice”, argues the role that property plays in Austen’ s view of marriage in relation to Austen’ s Pride and Prejudice. And Zhou Gui-Ying, in the thesis Scratches of the Time behind the Maturity, Brief Analysis of Austen’ s View of Marriage in Her Late Period, connects Austen’ Persuasion and tries to discuss Austen’ s thoughts on marriage through what she indicates in the novel (2012) .

      During 2000-2014, with the exploration on Austen’ s view of marriage keeps gonging on, researchers has been trying to analyze the very topic from various aspects and new perspectives. Bai Ming in The charm of Jane Austin’ s novels, connects Austen’ s view of marriage with the settlement of conflicts and the contrast of two sisters in Sense and Sensibility, from the perspective of the art of novels (2004) . In On the Christian Morality in Northanger Abbey, Zhou Qin discusses Austen’ s view of marriage at the angle of religion and Austen uses serious Christian morality to measure faithful love and marriage as well as gives severe punishments for the betrayers of marriage morality (2003) .

    3. The diachronic developments in 2000-2014

    3.1 Angles of feminism, rationalism and realism

    The main focus on the domestic researches in Jane Austen’ s view of marriage during 2000-2002 is feminism. The importance of women’ s independent consciousness in Austen’ s view of marriage has been stressed. Song Jian-hua puts forward in Feminism in Pride and Prejudice that the most essential thing Austin reveals by in her view of marriage is the female consciousness, which includes the awakening and the insight of female consciousness, the dependence of women’ s marriage consciousness, reflecting on the social reality, and the lack of morality in emotional consciousness (2001) . He Chao-yang, in Jane Austen' s Feminine Point of View, holds that through the image of Elinor in Sense and Sensibility, Austen shows that to gain an ideal marriage, women should be independent, which means that the female must have the ability of recognizing themselves, and be capable of thinking independently, handling stuffs on their own decision (2001) . In 2002, in The Feminine Consciousness That Reflected in Pride and Prejudice, Huang Jing holds that Austen believes that women could be as intellectual and rational men and in her writings, some outstanding women have more keen observation and judgment than men in their surroundings. Huang thinks in Austen’ s view, women don't take obedience as one of the virtue but yearn for a happy marriage on the basis of mutual respect and understanding.

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