
    Ecofeminism describes movements and philosophies that link feminism with ecology. Ecofeminists believe that the oppression of women and nature is interconnected which appeals for public attention to women’s potential. Both from the ecofeminism, Liu Li thinks the root of men’s domination of women and nature lies in the patriarchal ideology, while Zhang Yingbo holds the view that it happens not only because of the patriarchal ideology, but also the utilitarianism and man-centrism.
    However, Stanley Renner denied the traditional feminist interpretations of the novel and he pointed out that Elisa was not sympathetic at all. He explained in Modern Fiction Studies that Elisa was “less a woman imprisoned by men than one who secures herself within a fortress of sexual reticence and self-withholding defensiveness” (Renner 313). Actually, I am in favor of his proposition. Elisa is not totally frustrated by her husband, instead she frequently frustrates herself by rejecting the reality for a romantic fantasy. In other words, I argue that Elisa’s tragedy not only results from the patriarchal ideology, but also her own attitudes toward the society and her own life at that time.
         Meanwhile, other critics analyze the novel from the perspective of humanitarianism. In the "The Analysis of humanitarianism in the Works of John Steinbeck", Zhang Yan pointed out the topic of humanitarianism about this story: “In the series of Steinbeck’s novels, we can not only read the criticism of human behavior to the destruction of humanitarian thought and the praise of the goodness of human nature in western tradition, but also realize writer’s positive attitude to the treatment of natural environment, violent protests, reconstruction of human nature.” (Zhang Yan 5) Thus through the analysis, Zhang Yan holds that Steinbeck revealed the dark reality with the thought of rebuilding the society at that time. He thinks the author wants to appeal readers to stick to good humanity.
         Based on the research above, I find that until now there has not been enough detailed and systematic analysis on this novel from the root and comprehensive causes of Elisa’s tragedy. The previous researches mainly focus on ecofeminism, humanitarianism or the symbolism in the novel. Therefore, there is certainly a large room for this thesis to probe into the root cause implied in the novel from Elisa’s perspective, thus revealing the living plight of women and the root cause of women’s failed quest for identify.
    2. The Information about John Steinbeck and His Works
         There are several women important in Steinbeck’s life, his mother, his sisters, his girlfriend, and his wives. Throughout the ups and downs of his long career, these women provide invaluable support and companionship. Steinbeck likes and needs the company of women. It is those women that influence him greatly in his life and help him create vivid women characters in his works. When young, John Steinbeck witnessed American’s Great Depression in the 1930s. At that time, the feminist movement was ascendant and women suffered defeat after defeat though they struggled for equal power with men in social status and self-value. Women were still in a subordinate position, where they cannot get the recognition by men. All of these greatly influenced John Steinbeck. Just under such a background, “The Chrysanthemums” was written. It is a multi-layered work filled up with deep meanings. Elisa, the heroine, impresses readers most and wins many critics’ attention. Steinbeck expressed his great concern about nature and women through the description of Henry, the hero, and the unnamed tinker’s cruel oppression and destruction of the chrysanthemums and Elisa.
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