
    Abstract The Kite Runner is an international and influential bestseller. Ethical and moral conflicts are the main clues of the novel. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, it is significant that Hosseini successfully returns to Afghanistan unique ethical, religious and family texture and brings readers into a story world full of ethical dilemmas. The thought and behavior of the main characters in the novel are not only closely connected with the traditional moral standards of Pashtun, but also significantly influenced by ethnicity, religion, customs and other factors: ethical and religious discrimination exerts negative influences on Pashtun’s morality and causes ethical conflicts. Hosseini advocates communication, tolerance and harmony. Meanwhile, his demonstration of this abstract ethical construction in form of novels that are more accessible to readers shows not only his concerns about future and well-being of humankind, also the function of literature, namely providing ethical guidelines for human beings.48733

    Key Words: The Kite Runner, literary ethics, conflicts, influence

    摘要 《追风筝的人》是近年来一部产生广泛影响的小说。伦理道德冲突是小说情节发展的中心线索。从文学伦理学的角度对小说进行解读,可以看出小说的作者卡勒德•胡赛尼成功地再现了阿富汗独特的伦理图景,将读者带入到一个充满伦理困境的文学世界。小说中主要人物的思想行为不仅与普什图族根深蒂固的传统道德标准有着深刻的内在联系,而且还受到种族、宗教、家庭等因素的影响,民族和宗教歧视对普什图人道德产生了巨大的侵蚀作用。胡赛尔以温柔沉着的笔触主张对话、张扬宽容并追求和谐。而作家将抽象的伦理道德建设以小说这种通俗易懂的形式表现出来,不仅显示了他对人类前途和福祉的关切,也彰显了文学作品为人类提供道德指引的社会现实作用。



    Acknowledgments i

    Abstract ii

    摘要 iii

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 The Kite Runner 1

    1.2 Khaled Hosseini 2

    1.3 Ethical Literary Criticism 3

    2 Ethnic Conflicts of Afghanistan 4

    2.1 The Ethical Principals of Pashtuns 4

    2.2 The Inferior Position of Hazaras 5

    3 Religious Conflicts of Afghanistan 7

    3.1 Conflicts between Sunni and Shia 7

    3.2 Religious Gap of Afghanistan 8

    3.3 The Influence of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts on Amir’s Behavior 8

    4 Family Conflicts in Amir’s Family 10

    4.1 Conflicts between Baba and Ali 10

    4.2 Conflicts between Amir and Baba 11

    4.3 Conflicts between Amir and Hassan 12

    5 Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 15

     1 Introduction

    The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. Published in 2003, it tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, whose closest friend is Hassan, his father’s young Hazara servant. The story is set against a backdrop of tumultuous events, from the fall of Afghanistan’s monarchy through the Soviet military intervention, the exodus of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Taliban regime.

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