


    Abstract  Diverse teaching method in middle school is a flexible way to teach English. Therefore, the teacher should make full use of perse teaching methods. In this paper, it analyzes the perse teaching method in middle school English classroom from several aspects. First of all, this paper introduces audio-lingual method, task-based teaching method and communicative teaching method. Next, due to the current conditions of teacher-centered teaching model, single studying mode in English classes and test-based learning goals, it sets out to explore how teachers use perse teaching methods in listening, speaking, and reading. This paper tries to apply perse teaching methods to middle school English classes, so as to help a teacher to improve the efficiency of English classroom, stimulate students’ interest in learning, and improve the whole teaching level.

    Key words: Diverse Teaching Method; Middle School English; English Classes

    On Diverse Teaching Methods in Middle School English Classes


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. The Present Teaching Methods 2

      2.1 Audio-Lingual Approach . 2

      2.2 Task-Based Language Teaching 3

      2.3 Communicative Approach 4

    III. Current Conditions of Teaching and Learning in Middle School English Classes 5

      3.1 The Teacher-Centered Teaching Model in English Classes 5

      3.2 Single Studying Model in English Classes 6

      3.3 Test-Based Learning Goals 6

    IV. The Application of Diverse Teaching Methods to Middle- School English Classes 7

      4.1 Using Audio-Lingual Approach in Listening 7

      4.2 Using Task-based Language Teaching in Speaking 8

      4.3 Using Communicative Approach in Reading 11

    V.Conclusion 13

    Bibliography 14

    Acknowledgements 15

    I. Introduction   

        With the development of education reform, different kinds of teaching methods are emerging in quick succession. Diverse teaching methods are one of the most important roles in English learning in order to satisfy the need of the quality of teaching in English classes. English teaching is mainly fostering student’s ability of using English that only can cultivate quickly when students are around the English. However, most of middle schools have a lot of problems that affect the whole teaching level. It is time we took measures to do something in teaching methods. Diverse teaching methods are adapted to the requirement of the society. Nowadays, we aim at education for all-around development and we need to change.

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  2. 下一篇:游戏教学法在小学英语中的应用研究
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