


     Abstract Today, the traditional oral English teaching in rural areas seems to be not perfect, even boring, which cannot cultivate students’ oral competence. And “Dumb English” still exists in many areas. In order to solve the problems, this paper has described the current situation of oral English teaching in rural areas and analyzed the cause of the problems. The following aspects should be emphasized: underlining the importance of oral English; changing the traditional teaching method; increasing students’ oral communication ability and cultivating students’ learning interests. And the significance of the paper is to provide teachers with some suggestions of rural oral English teaching and is to be a reference for the further study of oral English. 

    Key words: rural oral English teaching; senior school; dumb English; strategic analysis 

    Problems and Effective Countermeasures of Oral English Teaching in Rural Junior High School


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    Ⅰ. Introduction 1

    Ⅱ. Theoretical Foundation 2

    2.1 Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory 2

    2.2 The Affective Filter Hypothesis 3

    2.3 The Input Hypothesis 3

    Ⅲ. Current Situations of Oral English Teaching in Rural Areas 4

    3.1 Excessive Anxiety of Students 4

    3.2 Few Learning Incentive of Students 5

    3.3 Shortage of Cross-cultural Awareness of Students 6

    3.4 Unqualified Teaching Staff 7

    3.5 Monotonous Teaching Method 8

    3.6 Backward Teaching Environment 9

    Ⅳ. Ways to Improve the Present Situation 10

    4.1 Eliminating the Psychological Barrier 10

    4.2 Highlighting the Importance of Oral English 11

    4.3 Developing the Cross-cultural Awareness 11

    4.4 Making Students Confident and Stimulating Students’ Incentive 12

    4.5 Cultivating High-quality Teachers 13

    4.6 Insisting on Organizing Classroom Teaching in English 13

    Ⅴ. Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 15

    Acknowledgments 16

    I. Introduction

    With the further development of China’s open policy and the increasing exchanges with foreign countries, it has already been the topic that how to manipulate a second language-English. So today’s education, especially primary education, has focused on how to improve the situation of oral English teaching. Different from the traditional exam-oriented education, quality-oriented education prefers to provide students capability of communication in English and their comprehensive development. So the teachers should take students as the center of oral classes and not only let them know the knowledge of textbooks, such as vocabulary, grammar rules and so on, but also teach them how to use language in a practical way. As a language, oral English plays an important role in English teaching in junior middle school. However, in rural areas, most English teachers still pay close attention to cultivating students’ ability of reading and writing just for the high graduation rates. Yet they fail to cultivate students’ interests in learning English and ignore to give them enough time to practice their oral English. Thus the classes become so boring and stiff that students have no motivation and intention to get involved in. As a matter of fact, it goes against the fact that English is a communicative tool and also does not agree with the English language teaching goals. So for many junior students in rural areas, English, as an important subject, is relatively weak and there are many problems existing in oral English teaching that should be solved. In order to improve the present situation of oral English teaching and enhance students’ oral English ability, both teachers and students should enhance the importance of spoken English. The teachers had better create an active and comfortable atmosphere for students to practice their spoken English, which can reduce their pressure and anxiety. Teachers are also allowed to offer different kinds of activities to students to stimulate their learning interests, which help students come to realize that English is not so boring as they considered. And the important thing is to form a habit of speaking English, to cultivate the interests of learning English and to enhance the ability of expressing fluently in spoken English.

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