
    An Interpretation of Robinson Crusoe from the Perspective of Communication Abstract With the development of the times, it emerges different kinds of perspectives to interpret a literary work. Especially under the condition of the era of subject integration, it becomes popular to interpret a literary work by using the interdisciplinary perspective. Robinson Crusoe, known as one of the most popular works in the word, usually is interpreted under traditional views like personality analysis, plot analysis and so on. However, it also can be interpreted from the point of view of communication knowledge and theories. First of all, as a book of great amount of sales, Robinson Crusoe has large number of readers, or audience, and the psychological feature of the audience—cognition, curiosity, conformity has an influence to the sales volume. What is more, the different attributes of audience also matters. Secondly, Robinson Crusoe was first published at the beginning of the eighteenth century, when newspaper industry in Britain was booming. So, to some extent the mature of communication technologies contributed the success of Robinson Crusoe. At the same time, in the aspect of environment, the Enlightenment Movement also played a role of prompting. Finally, as for the inner content of this work, like the thinking activities of Robinson or the communication between Robinson and Friday, conforms to some theories of intra-personal communication and personal communication. Therefore, audience analysis, environment analysis and content analysis of communication can all be used to interpret the both the reason for the success of Robinson Crusoe and the inner content of it. 52722

    Keywords: Robinson Crusoe; communication; audience; environment; content





    1. Introduction6

      1.1 Background..6

      1.2 Literary Review6

    2. Audience Analysis..8

    2.1 The Analysis of the Mentality of the Audience8

    2.1.1 Cognition...8

    2.1.2 Curiosity9

    2.1.3 Conformity..10

      2.2 The Analysis of the Attributes of the Audience.....10

    2.2.1 As A Consumer10

    2.2.2 As A Group Member...11

    3. Environment Analysis..11

    3.1 The Analysis of Literary trend...12

    3.2 The Analysis of Communication Technology12

    4. Content Analysis..13

      4.1 Intra-personal Communication..13

      4.2 Personal Communication...14

    5. Conclusion...16

    References ..18

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background

    Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe, is one of the foreign works that Chinese readers most conversant with. This book has earned high world-wild reputation and been regarded as the forerunner of the English realistic novel and the first English diary-style novel, also it has milestone meaning for the English Enlightenment Movement. Robinson Crusoe may not have been read for all. However, people must be quite familiar with both the title and the brief content, especially with Robinson’s hard work and plain living in the islet. As a matter of fact, it is natural for the widespread of Robinson Crusoe, because it is universally acknowledged as an immortal masterpiece in the strictest sense among voluminous works. What is more, this book is one of the few books that plays an important role of shaping the modern civilization and has an influence towards human history. Accordingly, at the end of the 19th century, there were more than 700 editions of Robinson Crusoe.

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