
    Abstract Fuzziness is an essential attribute of language. Since the theory of "fuzzy” language has been suggested, a large number of examples about fuzzy language based on the findings of linguistics, semantics and other disciplines are analyzed by most researches to explore the phenomenon in language teaching, business, law and news. The fuzzy language in ancient Chinese poems is often explored on the stylistic translation and language from the perspective of fuzzy theory. Its applications and pragmatic function are merely mentioned. Ancient Chinese poems contain a lot of fuzzy numerals which play a pivotal role. The thesis focuses on the fuzziness of numerals in ancient Chinese poems, illustrating these numerals which not only have its own unique features but also have a pragmatic significance. The pragmatic function of these fuzzy numerals both plays a rhetorical role and enhances the beauty of poems. Combined with examples of ancient Chinese poems, this thesis analyzes the features and origins of fuzzy numbers, trying to explore the necessity and the use of fuzzy numerals and their pragmatic effect on ancient Chinese poems.53831

    Key words: fuzzy numerals; ancient Chinese poetry; pragmatic analysis

    摘 要模糊性是自然语言的本质属性。自“模糊语言”理论提出后,多数研究立足于语言学、语义学等学科的研究成果,以大量的实例和分析探讨了其在教学,商务,法律新闻中的模糊语言现象,而古诗词中的模糊语言,大多是从模糊语言理论的视角来探讨文体的翻译,对其应用和语用功能的分析研究所见不多。古诗词中含有大量的模糊数字,这些数字对诗词的节律和意境的构建起到了举足轻重的作用。本文从数字入手,着重对中国古诗词中数字的模糊性进行了探究,旨在说明这些具有模糊性质的数字有着独特的功能和意义,它们不但丰富了数字本身的语义特征,具有精确数字所没有的语用功能,而且还起到了语用修辞效果,极大地增强了诗歌中的意境美。本文结合古诗词的特点和实例,通过分析模糊数字的成因及分类,尝试着探讨了古诗词中使用模糊数字的必要性及语用效果。



    1. Introduction..1

    2. Literature Review.........2

    3. Application and Features of Fuzzy Numerals in Ancient Chinese Poems.3

    3.1 Application of Fuzzy Numerals .................3

    3.2 Features of Fuzzy Numerals.......4

    4. Origins of Fuzzy Numerals in Ancient Chinese Poems..6

    4.1 Subjective Fuzziness.......6

    4.2 Objective Cognition....7

    4.3 Semantic Changes...7

    4.4 Historical, Cultural and Geographical Factors....8

    5. Pragmatic Functions of Fuzzy Numerals ........9

    5.1 Improvement in Objectivity and Accuracy........10

    5.2 Flexibility and Efficiency in Expressions......10

    5.3 Effectiveness in Rhetoric ......11

    6. Conclusion.....12

    Works Cited...14 

    1. Introduction

    Numeral is one of the most essential components since language and its significance has been recognized since long time ago. I have taken notice of the fact that numerals are used quite often in ancient Chinese poems and the numerals in literature even prevail at all times and in all over the world. For instance:


    In this verse, the poet skillfully used fuzzy numerals from one to ten. The poem depicts the buildings and natural scenery in the peaceful village vividly and effectively. The employment of the fuzzy numerals adds the beauty and peace of the whole place in our thinking. Therefore, it makes the picture more pleasing to both our eyes and mind.

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