
    Abstract This paper first introduces Professor XuYuanchong's "threebeauty" principle, which is the guideline for verse translation. Then eleven Tang poems are selected and their renderings from huge poetry amounts and tries to explore some translation strategies that the translators employ to achieve the three beauties. The strategies in this paper are: 1) Metaphrasing is priority, while paraphrasing is complementary, 2) Choosing best words, 3) Adding words to save rhyme, 4) Breaking in form, continuing in sense, 5) Using calling terms. Besides, numbers and places are often mentioned in Chinese ancient poems by poets. Translation of numbers and places brings challenge to translators due to Chinese cultural background. Under these two circumstances, the strategies are also studied in the paper as to how to deal with them.54734

    Key words: CE verse translation; threebeauty principle; translation strategies

    摘要文章中首先简述了中诗英译的标准及基本理论,并以举例分析的方法介绍了许渊冲教授的“三美”原则。之后,作者从海量诗歌中挑选了十一首唐诗及其译文,分别在“三美”原则的指导下,探究译者所采用的翻译策略:直译为主、意译为辅;使用“绝妙好词” ;填词救韵;意断形连;使用呼语。除此之外,中国古诗中经常出现数字和地名,文章介绍了针对这两种情况的翻译策略。



    1. Introduction    8

    2.Theoretical Basis8

          2.1 Three Methods 8

          2.2 Three Beauties 9

    3.Strategies Applied in Translation11

    3.1 Metaphrasing or Paraphrasing? 11

    3.2 Choosing best word 12

    3.3 Adding words to save rhyme 13

    3.4 Breaking in form, continuing in sense 14

    3.5 Calling terms 14

    3.6 Numbers in Chinese poems 15

    3.7 Places in Chinese poems 15

    4. Conclusion19

    Works Cited21

    1. Introduction 

         Poetry is, in all languages, regarded as the highest form to express human’s feelings, emotions and thoughts. The author shows his particular interest in translating Chinese ancient poems into English because Chinese ancient poems tend to be concise, vivid and expressive with musical rhyme. However, CE ancient poetry translation is quite difficult which is common acknowledged. Based on the analysis of examples in the paper, this research aims to come up with some strategies in CE verse translation.

         Poetry is the carrier of beauty . It is wise for translators to repeat the closest natural equivalent to the source language in the receptor language.This paper includes a proper use of translation strategies which can help us to achieve the three beauties in verse translation. It’s hoped the result of this study can be conducive to future verse translation. However, because that there are some limits of data and information, the result may not be very conclusive.  So,more followup studies can be done later.

    2. Theoretical Basis 源'自:优尔`!论~文'网www.youerw.com

    2.1 Basic Translation Methods

         There are generally three methods for verse translation: metaphrase (or literal translation), paraphrase (free or liberal translation) and imitation or adaptation. Metaphrase is trying to preserve the original form to make it smooth and fluent under the precondition of being faithful to the original. Paraphrase is not tied to the original form to make it smooth and fluent under the precondition of being faithful to the original. Translators either use alone or concurrently with these two methods according to the original contents and forms based on TL expressive custom. Imitation or adaptation is rather more applied on names of people or place. 

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