
    2.2 Three Beauties

         The three ways we mentioned above can be all together to satisfy Professor Xu Yuanchong’s threebeauty principle.It’s accepted by most people in the field nowadays: beauty in sense, beauty in sound and beauty in form. Xu firmly think that translated verse should be and can be beautiful, like the original content, in three aspects: First,in sense appealing to the heart.Second, in sound appealing to the ears.Third, in form appealing to the eyes. To achieve the threebeauty,Xu suggests that the method of paraphrase may be employed to keep the beauty in sense; the way of imitation or adaptation may be used to keep the beauty in sound; metaphrase can be used to maintain the beauty in form. 

         Many analysis and examples will be studied to find how translators can achieve the three beauties with different strategies and methods under different circumstances in the following part of this paper,.

  1. 上一篇:探讨网络时代直译在汉译英中应用的优势
  2. 下一篇:浅析中美重要传统节日的文化差异
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  6. 功能对等理论框架下企业外宣文本的汉英翻译

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