
    Abstract With the increasing economic and technological communication between China and foreign countries, English is becoming more and more important in daily life. In English learning, reading is one of the main approaches and one of the main aims. At the same time, reading becomes the main source of language input. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis is an important theory in second language acquisition. It emphasizes that comprehensible language input plays a vital role in language acquisition. High-quality language output depends on the high-quality language input. On the basis of Krashen Input Hypothesis, this paper will focus on the effective approaches in the teaching of English reading, with the hope of improving the reading of English teaching.55560

    Keywords: input theory; the teaching of English reading; effective approaches

    摘要随着中国与国外的经济和科技交流的口益频繁,英语在人们的日常生活中也变得非常重要。在英语教学中,阅读是主要方法之一。与此同时,阅读也是语言知识输入的主要途径。Krashen的输入假设理论是二语习得的重要理论, 它强调可理解的语言输入在语言习得中起着至关重要的作用。高质量的语言输出有赖于有效的语言输入。本文将结合Krashen的语言输入假设理论,重点阐述提高英语阅读教学中有效输入途径,以期对英语阅读教学有所启发。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Researches of Input Hypothesis 1

    2.1.1 The Input Hypothesis 1

    2.1.2 The research of Input Hypothesis abroad 3

    2.1.3 The research of Input Hypothesis in China 3

    2.2 The Researches of Reading 3

    2.2.1 Definition 3

    2.2.2 The research of reading abroad 4

    2.2.3 The research of reading in China 5

    3. The Effective Approaches in the Teaching of English Reading 6

    3.1 Setting Clear Objectives 6

    3.2 Valuing Emotional Attitude 7

    3.3 The creative use of reading materials 7

    3.3.1 Extensive Reading Materials 7

    3.3.2 Intensive reading materials 9

    3.4 The Use of Mutimedia 9

    3.5 Effective feedback 10

    4. Application of Effective Approaches 10

    4.1 In Pre- reading Stage 10

    4.2 In While-reading Stage 11

    4.3 In Post-reading Stage 12

    4.3.1 Retelling the story 12

    4.3.2 Writting reports or reading notes 12

    4.3.3 Class discussion and role play 13

    4. Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 14

     1. Introduction 

    In the age of information explosion, the communication between the countries is becoming more and more frequent, which highlights the importance of English. As a result, English has become one of the main ways to acquire information. The ability of English reading affects the information accessing. What’s more, reading is not only an important means of foreign language learning, but also the main way for Chinese students to access foreign language. For Chinese students, English reading is not only one of the aims of learning English, but also one of the main ways in learning English. At the same time, reading becomes the main source of language input. Only when the quality of input increases, does the quality of output improve. Therefore, the effective input is vital in the teaching of English reading. 

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