
    Abstract With the frequent international communication, privacy has become the main problem of Chinese and western in cross-cultural communication. Privacy is a kind of social phenomenon and it exists in each nationalities. Because of cultural differences, there are a lot of differences between Chinese and western culture in privacy. We should find out the differences and promote the communication of Chinese and western culture.56284

    In this paper, the author will make an analysis of the difference of Chinese and western in time, space and personal information privacy. Then she will point out the reason for differences——cultural differences. Finally the author will put forward feasible suggestions for dealing with the differences between Chinese and western culture to help people improve the ability of intercultural communication.

    Keywords: Chinese; western; culture differences; privacy right





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. The Differences between Chinese and Western privacy 2

    3.1 Time in privacy 3

    3.2 Space in privacy 4

    3.3 Personal information in privacy 5

    4. Reasons for Differences between Chinese and Western privacy

    ——Cultural Differences 7

    4.1 Western inpidualism 7

    4.2 Chinese collectivism 9

    5. Suggestions for dealing with gap between chinese and western privacy 11

    5.1 Establishing a complete legal system 11

    5.2 Organizing a specific cultural festival 12

    6. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

    1. Introduction 

    Professor, Gu Jiazu, believed that in Chinese no words can accurately express the meaning of privacy. In China, privacy means derogatory and selfish. However, the meaning of privacy is very rich in English. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Library, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis described privacy in 1890 as “the right to be left alone”. In Torts Law, privacy is a right not to be disturbed emotionally by conduct designed to subject the victim to great tensions by baring his intimate life and affairs to public view or by humiliating and annoying invasions of his solitude and the protection of inpiduals’ honor, reputation. Altman defined privacy as a selective control of access to self to one’s group. He thought that privacy can be pided into the privacy of inpidual and privacy of groups. Westin put forward four kinds of privacy: solitude, anonymity, reserve and intimacy. Academics Deng Yanchang and Liu Runqing believed that privacy had meaning of secret, private, alone and self.

    Privacy is a pure personal affair that has nothing to do with public interests, group interests and prohibit others to interfere. It is also unnecessary to tell others about someone’s personal information in the field of life. Professor Wang Limin in his book personality right law said that the personal privacy is a natural person who has a right to control the personal information, private activity, private sector and has nothing to do with the public interest.

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