Abstract  As an important aspect of non-verbal ways to communicate, the information of time transmission has deep cultural connotations. Different people in different cultures have shaped perse time concept. This thesis discusses the concept of time, and illustrates the idea of intercultural barriers. In intercultural communication, there are communicative barriers or mistakes because of the persity in time concepts. Discussing the influence on cross-culture communication based on the time concept is conducive to deeper understanding and grasp of the time orientation of China and America. And it helps to enhance the interaction of intercultural activities and avoid contradictions and conflicts in intercultural activities.59174

Key words: time concepts; time orientations; time classifications;     cultural conflicts



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Classifications Based on Time Concepts 2

3.1 Classifications on Psychological Sense of Time 2

3.2 Classifications on Form of the Time 4

4. Reasons for Different Attitudes to Time 7

4.1 Historical Reasons 7

4.2 Religion and Culture 8

4.3 Reality Factors 8

5. Ways to Avoid Conflicts of Time Concepts 9

5.1 Understanding the Differences and Facing Them Bravely 9

5.2 Avoiding Ethnocentrism 10

5.3 Learning and Drawing Lessons from Others 10

5.4 Perspectives for the Development of Modern Time Orientation 11

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction

     Time orientation is a significant section of the cultural psychological tendency, and it reflects the deep cultural connotation. The use of time reflects the important cultural group values level. American anthropologist E. T. Hall claims that time can change the nature of life, it is one of the most fundamental systems( Hall,1973),because there are spatial and temporal specifications among all behavior in the situation .He also claims that time can speak. The messages passed by time are sonorous and clear. It is neither controlled by consciousness like a sound language, nor easy to let people misconstrue. He pides time according to different habits of culture into monochronic time system and polychronic time system( Hall,1982). Studying different cultural concepts of time is particularly vital in intercultural communication. Seen from the time orientation, there are great differences in the past time, present time, and future time in perse cultures. The emphasis of the three times are not identical, so four different time orientations in psychologically formed.Studying the differences in time concepts will help us communicate effectively and avoid conflicts in intercultural communication.

















