幽默语言是人际交流的一种有效方式。因为幽默被广泛用于我们的日常交际中,它必然会反映一些语言方面的特性。早期对幽默的研究主要集中在哲学与文学方面,20世纪 80年代后随着语用学的崛起,幽默成为语用学家关注的对象。 幽默语言在情景喜剧中起着举足轻重的作用。《好汉两个半》是美国最著名的情景喜剧之一,它曾在美国获最杰出成就奖。它丰富的幽默对话为本文语用学分析提供了实例。 本论文的目的是通过利用语用学理论框架解释幽默机制的产生。本文从合作原则对《好汉两个半》中大量的言语幽默进行分析,采取定性的研究方法,随机从《好汉两个半》中抽取了 12集,对合作原则的违反情况做了定量分析,以其中的言语幽默现象作为分析语料对其进行定性分析,详细列举了英语幽默中所运用的各种故意违反原则的修辞手段如:反语、暗喻、夸张、双关、委婉语等以及其他一些语言手段,结果显示通过违反合作原则及其准则而得出的会话含义是英语幽默产生的重要来源,通过礼貌原则的刻意违反也是产生幽默的主要途径。 此研究丰富和发展了情景喜剧中言语幽默创作的相关理论,同时有利于提高英语学习者对美国情景喜剧的理解和对英语幽默的兴趣,对英语的教学工作提供帮助。59585 毕业论文关键词 幽默语言 合作原则 《好汉两个半》
Title An Analysis of Humor in American Sitcom Two and A Half Men with Cooperative Principle Abstract Humor is one of the most effective ways of interpersonal communication. Humor language is wildly used in the form of conversation in everyday life which reflects some pragmatic features. The early research of humor was mainly focused on the perspective of philosophy and literary works. Since the 1980s, with the development of pragmatics, humor has been the concern of pragmatic linguistics. The present study intends to explore the underlying mechanisms of humor found in American comedy Two and a Half Men with Grice’s theory: Cooperative Principle (CP). Humor language plays an important role in sitcom. The sitcom Two and a Half men was very famous in America and has been regarded as an outstanding achievement for comedy in US. It contains plenty of interesting humorous dialogues and these examples provide analytical material for the pragmatic analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to explain the mechanisms of humor by means of relevant pragmatic theories. The author analyzes the numerous examples of humorous utterance through the theory of Cooperative Principle. From the perspective of methodology, the author employs qualitative analysis. The author first selected the humorous utterances in 12 episodes randomly form sitcom Two and a Half Men as data resources and then classify them into theories. The qualitative analysis is used in respects of the analyzing and illustrating in details. The paper makes a list of various rhetorical devices such as irony, metaphor, hyperbole, pun, euphemism and other language devices employed in English humor. The study tells us that the deliberate violation of the maxims of CP can cause humor effects. Through the analysis, we will understand the way that the humorous effect achieved. It verified and developed the corresponding theoretical hypothesis by using the pragmatic approach to show the principle of humor in sitcom. This study gave us some useful suggestions to understand the humorous utterances in English sitcoms and appreciate the humorous utterance in daily communication. It also provided great help in the English learning and teaching.
Keywords Humor Cooperative Principle Two and a Half Men