Abstract Since interest is the key to mastering a language, it is important for primary English instruction to stimulate students’ interest to study English. English game teaching is in accordance with the physiological and psychological characteristics of the students. It can stimulate students’ interest, focus their attention, and cultivate students’ thinking ability, which can improve the learning efficiency and create a pleasant environment for students to study English. There are three teaching forms in primary English instruction, including word teaching, sentence teaching and text teaching. Teachers can apply different game teaching methods in each teaching model. Thus, game teaching method is one of the efficient ways to polish up the primary English teaching efficiency.60713

Key words: game teaching method; primary English instruction; application




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Definition of Games and Game Teaching 1

2.2 Studies Abroad 2

2.3 Studies Home 3

3 The Effectiveness of English Game Teaching Method 4

3.1 Stimulating Students’ Interest in Learning 4

3.2 Focusing Students’ Attention 5

3.3 Improving Students’ Thinking Ability 6

4. The Application of English Game Teaching Method 7

4.1 Applying Games in Word Teaching 7

4.2 Applying Games in Sentence Teaching 8

4.3 Applying Games in Text Teaching 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction

As primary school English teaching Syllabus claims, “Interest is a good teacher for pupils to learn a foreign language. And it is an important task for primary school English teachers to arouse students’ interest at present.” Games can arouse students’ interest and get the students’ attention, provide intense and meaningful practice of language, help young learners to sustain their interest, and help the teacher to create relaxed atmosphere in which students can learn English language effectively. Therefore, games are always in a center position in teachers’ repertoire.

Based on the comprehensive understanding of the importance of English game teaching, the purpose of the study is to explore the application of game teaching in the primary school, and provide some suggestions for primary English teachers. According to the characteristics of students, teachers should consider the game teaching method fully to effectively improve students’ interest in learning, focus students’ attention and promote development of students’ thinking ability.

 The thesis is made up of five chapters. Chapter one puts forward the background and significance of game teaching method. Chapter two is the literature review which introduces the definition of games and the previous study both domestic and abroad. Chapter three discusses the effectiveness of game teaching method. Chapter four is an important chapter which talks about the application of English game teaching method in primary school instruction. Chapter five is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the limitation of the thesis and points out some problems existing in the thesis.

















