Abstract Harry Potter series of novels have been published in a high-profile,and Harry is a famous fairy tale character all around the world.However,there are also some roles well worth analyzing deeply behind Harry.Snape is the key figure of Harry Potter.He is a typical “anti-hero”. This article analyzes the complexity of Snape’s personality and the causes,such as his family background,school life experience,emotional setback and so on.It can not only help us know deeply about Severus Snape,but also to provide us concrete examples for us to understand that the theme of this novel is love.From him,we can see the complicated human nature.60716

Keywords: Severus Snape;anti-hero;human nature;complex




1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review2

3. The Anti-hero Severus Snape....3

3.1 Sharp Language Style.4

3.2 Ambivalent Behavior Patterns ........5

4. The Roots of Snape Being an Anti-hero.9

4.1 Poor Family Background10

4.2 Lonely School Experience...10

4.3Failure in Love.11

4.4Hard Social Environment.11

5. Conclusion..12

Works Cited...13


After the bud of capitalism, the language of European culture has been gradually unified.With the collection of literature material and paying great importance to the study of literature and art, western children’s literature has been obtained a great development in both number and quality.That is a good beginning of children’s literature.Before the 18th century, the system of children’s literature in Europe has not been developed perfectly.At that time, people did not attach importance to what children read.It was either still in the embryonic stage.These children’s literature were not clear characteristics.One of the swift progress was in Britain.The uniqueness of children’s literature has been gradually formed.After the 18th century, it was still in development until now.There are large numbers of excellent children’s literature has been published such as,and so on.

In the past few years, with the development of economy, more and more children’s literature have been published.It is undoubtedly a great success in this field。Even if we are not children, we can learn a lot in these novels.

In the novel, this main character whom calls Harry•Potter has been an orphan immediately after his birth.His parents's love protected him from been murdered and let him down from Voldemort’s wand survived.Then he got a flash of lightning scar on the forehead as a symbol.He has been called by another name--the chosen one.The poor boy grows up.At the age of 11, Harry got a letter from a magic school called Hogwarts and went to this school for study.He made many friends and experienced many adventures.The headmaster of Hogwarts.Albus•Dumbledore, is one of the most important guides to Harry.Other people such as Professor Severus•Snape and the godfather Sirius Black also paid a lot on Harry’s growth.Finally, they sacrificed themselves to protect Harry and taught him the meaning of love.This lets Harry and readers know that the importance of love.Love can beat all evil forces.

















