

毕业论文关键词  哈利·波特   西弗勒斯·斯内普   多重性格   悲惨命运

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title      Severus Snape:The Holy Knight in the Darkness   An Analysis of Severus Snape's Multiple Characters and Tragic Fate  


Harry Potter is the representative work of British female writer J.K. Rowling, which has been translated into seventy-four languages and over 500 million copies have been sold worldwide.

As an important character in the book, Severus Snape plays a role in pushing forward the plot. Readers really sympathize with his multiple personality and tragic fate. His infinite love for Lily Evans has moved millions of people. By analysing the multiple characters and tragic fate of Severus Snape, this thesis intends to demonstrate the charm of characterization, point out the complexity and elusiveness of human nature, and the role this character plays in elevating the position of the work.

Keywords   Harry Potter   Severus Snape   Multiple Personality   Tragic Fate  

Table of Contents

1  Introduction .1

2  Multiple Characters of Snape2

2.1  Glum and Vindictive..3

2.2  Vainglorious and Snobbish......4

2.3  Selfless and Brave.....5

2.4  Gentle and Benevolent...6

3  Tragic Fate of Snape....7

3.1  Unrequited Love..8

3.2 Misunderstanding----Double Agent....8

3.3  Tragic Ending----Sacrifice for Love.9

Conclusion .......11



1 Introduction

Harry Potter is the masterpiece of the English writer J.K Rowling. The series of Harry Potter have seven books in total, of which the first six books mainly describe the hero Harry Potter’s six-year school life and adventure stories at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the last one tells the story that Harry searched for the Horcruxes (a magical object used to store part of a person's soul, protecting them from death) and finally defeated Voldemort (Harry’s archenemy). It is a miracle in the history of literature that the story attracts countless readers and brings the world literature into a new trend. “The success of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books changed the face of the literary world. However, Harry Potter was not the first brand to reach an iconic status nor was it the first brand to achieve success through a myriad of brand extensions. Harry Potter was in the right place at the right time to let the various factors in place around it catapult the brand into literary history” (Gunelius, 2008: 126). “Harry Potter has become more than just a book; it has become an icon, a Michael Jordan, a Coca-Cola, a Pop-Tart, in modern pop culture. The Potter books are now ubiquitous early texts for children, and are also a popular choice for many adults. As the most commercialized books in recollection, the phenomenon deserves multidisciplinary analysis” (Heilman, 2009: 001). A lot of research work about the novels appears from a broad range of perspective within literature, religion, education, psychology, and sociology, etc.文献综述

















