Abstract Unlike traditional translation theory, the principle of Eugene A.Nida’s Functional Equivalence provides a new set of criteria for translation study, which aims at producing a version that is the closest natural equivalent of the original message so as to be responded by the target text readers in the same way the source text readers do. Children's literature, as a branch of literature, shares the common.61387

This thesis, through a comparative analysis of two Chinese versions of Mark Twain’s famous children’s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, attempts to find the respective translation strategies adopted from the level of meaning equivalence, stylistic equivalence and cultural equivalence. It is proved in the thesis that Functional Equivalence Theory is feasible in guiding and judging the translation of children’s literature.It is also hoped that this study can provide a little theoretical support for translators in their translation practice and make a little contribution to translation study. 

Key words:Functional Equivalence;translation of children’s literature; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 A Brief Introduction on Functional Equivalence 2

2.2 A Brief Review on the Chinese Versions of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 3

3. A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from the Perspective of Function Equivalence 4

3.1 Meaning Equivalence in the Translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 4

3.2 Stylistic Equivalence in the Translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 6

3.3 Cultural Equivalence in the Translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 10

4. Conclusion 12 

1. Introduction 

Among all the translation theories and principles, Eugene A. Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory arose heated debates both at home and abroad. Great achievement has been made in translation practice under the guidance of Functional Equivalence theory since its birth. With regard to its acceptance in China, there is an obvious shift from its “being admired by almost every scholar in the translation circle” to “everyone start[ing] to talk about [its] flaws” (Yang Xiaorong, 1996:8). It should be admitted that there exist some limitations of this theory, but it is certainly irrational to negate its strength. Studies on the validity of the functional equivalence theory for translation, especially for literary translation are of great significance not only for building a system of translation theories adapted to the Chinese cultural tradition, but also for guiding translation practice and probing suitable ways of applying translation theory to translation practice.

















