Abstract Lin Yutang is rather famous around the world as a translator with his numerous great translation works. However, he was not researched a lot in terms of his translation thought owing to some historical reasons. Moreover, compared to Lin Yutang’s accomplishment in translation field, some scholars either pay more attention to his great success in literature or put emphasis on his certain translation work, which can’t concretely summarize the features of his academic thought of translation. In addition, it’s also a little unreasonable for Lin since he has made a great deal of contribution to the translation in China. As a result, this dissertation is devoted to studying Lin Yutang’s translation thought from two aspects including translation principle and translation strategy. The author hope that scholars can sum up Lin’s translation thought systematically as possible as they can in order to provide the translators with an explicit guidance in later translation practice.  

Key words: Lin Yutang; translation principle; translation strategy 61498




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Lin Yutang’s Translation Principle 3

3.1 Historical and Theoretical Background 3

3.2 Faithfulness 4

3.3 Fluency 5

3.4 Beauty 6

4. Lin Yutang’s Translation Strategy 8

4.1 Culture Compensation 8

4.2 Domestication and Foreignization 10

4.3 Other Strategies 11

5. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction 

As we all know, LinYutang is always regarded as famous translator in China and even in the world but not many of us know more about his academic thought so it’s necessary to do more research on Lin’s translation thought and this study on Lin’s translation aimed not only to promote the improvement of the current translation theory but also to guide the translation practice.

This paper is also to explore Lin’s translation through his translation principle and translation strategy. There are some examples in detail based on Lin’s translated works together with other scholars’ researches on him. Similarly, it is inclined to solve practical problems in translation. What’s more the author hope it can cope with the issue interpreting Chinese culture more faithfully to western world.

The dissertation is conducted with the analysis on two aspects. One is translation principle and the other is translation strategy. In the former, it involves three sub-principles which are respectively faithfulness, fluency and beauty. Through these three parts, it will be discussed that what Lin’s principle is. In the latter, it mainly studies another issue how to perfectly translate works. That is to say, this part is designed to study Lin’s translation strategy including three aspects. The first is “culture compensation”. The second is “domestication and foreignization” and the third is “other strategies”. What the author has mentioned are the main subjects of the research. By describing, analyzing and explaining translational exemplifications, this research is planned to lead to a better understanding of Lin Yutang as a respectable translator and of Lin’s academic thought of translation, which is beneficial for us translators to develop and improve the future of Chinese translation.源:自/优尔-·论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

















