    摘 要写作是一种非常重要的沟通方式。英语写作是学生英语水平的完美体现。写作能力的提高是中学阶段英语教学和学习的主要目标之一。但事实上,初中学生的写作能力远远低于他们应该有的水平。因此,如何提高初中学生的英语写作能力始终是个问题。这引起许多语言学家和中学英语教师的普遍关注。本文在理论分析的基础上,对中学生英语写作过程中出现的问题进行了初步的分析,并以写作策略为切入点阐述了实行写作策略的必要性和具体对策。8452
    Writing as a communication way is extremely important, and English writing is the perfect embodiment for students’ English level. Improving students’ writing ability is one of the objectives of junior English teaching. But the fact is that many junior school students’ writing abilities are far below that they should be. Therefore, it is always a problem that how to improve junior high school students’ writing skills in English writing. It has drawn close attention of many linguists and researchers working in this field. Based on a theory study, this paper has made a brief study of junior school students’ English writing. It focuses largely on writing strategies, illustrating the necessity of writing strategies so that the concrete approaches can be determined.
    Key words: English writing; writing ability; writing strategies; junior school students
    摘 要..X.i
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Current Situation of English Writing    2
     2.1 The Lack of English Elementary Knowledge    2
      2.1.1 Misuse of Words    2
      2.1.2 Errors of Syntax    4
      2.1.3 Lacking in Cohesion and Coherence    4
     2. 2 The Phenomenon of “Chinglish”    5
    III. The Reasons for the Current Situation in English Writing    6
     3.1 The Causes of Students Themselves    6
      3.1.1 Students’ Ignorance    6
      3.1.2 Poor Basic Skills    6
      3.1.3 Psychological Obstacles    6
     3.2 Improper Teaching Patterns    7
      3.2.1 Teachers’ Ignorance    7
      3.2.2 Pragmatic Failure    7
    IV. Strategies to Improve English Writing    8
     4.1 Enhancing Linguistic Competence    8
      4.1.1 Enlarging the Volume of Vocabulary    8
      4.1.2 Using Appropriate Cohesion and Coherence    8
      4.1.3 Reading to Promote Writing    9
     4.2 Enhancing Teachers’ Teaching Skills    10
      4.2.1 Arousing the Enthusiasm of Students    10
      4.2.2 Discourse Strategies in the Teaching of Writing    10
      4.2.3 Pragmatic Knowledge in Teaching the Language    11
      4.2.4 Writing Instruction and Correction    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Acknowledgements X17
    Analysis of the Current Situation and Strategies in English Writing for Junior School Students

    I. Introduction

    With the rapid development of modern science and technology, English as an international way of communication is more and more important. English writing has been playing a key role in various large-scale examinations, such as college entrance examination, CET-4 and 6, and IELTS, etc. It requires learners to apply vocabulary, grammars and background knowledge comprehensively. So the student who makes a good score in an English examination may behave poorly in writing. Relevant research shows that, in China today, English has already become the most important foreign language since 1978 (Chen 16). Meanwhile, writing has been regarded as a main course for middle school students in China. Many experts have done a lot of researches on the theory and practice of English writing on different levels. These studies which focus on the analysis of writing errors become important and necessary. But it is proved that students’ English writing skills have not significantly improved. Nowadays, the writing ability of the students is weak and the students cannot express themselves correctly and freely, which has become one of the most difficult problems facing in English writing.
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