Abstract Robinson Crusoe reflected people’s values at that time through Robinson’ s adventure. Defoe created a typical bourgeoisie, Robinson, who was deeply influenced by humanism and realized the importance of human beings. At the same time, the main character also wanted to expand the capital through slave trade and the plunder of the colonies. The author described that the bourgeoisie would maintain their power by all means when their interests faced threats. The paper aims to express Defoe’ s values through the analysis of the duality of bourgeoisie values, humanism and colonialism, reflected in Robinson.62411

Key words: adventure; values; humanism; colonialism 


毕业论文关键词:冒险; 价值观;人文主义; 殖民主义


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Reflection of the duality of bourgeoisie values in Robinson Crusoe 3

3.1 The duality of bourgeoisie values 3

3.2 Humanism reflected in Robinson 4

3.3 Colonialism reflected in Robinson 5

4. Causes of the duality of bourgeoisie values 7

4.1 Political Cause 7

4.2 Economic Causes 8

4.3 Cultural Causes 9

5. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1. Introduction 

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was called the father of English and European novels who was most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. He was called the father of English modern novel. In the 18th century, with the development of feudal civilized absolution, the religious superstition also broke up the rapport between the internal logos and harmonious happy life .This consequently brought out a rather dark society where human beings turned to be unresponsive. The whole life of Defoe is exact during the period of the capitalist primitive accumulation. During this period, commerce and industry develop very fast in Britain. He thought that the most central question of a national development is to develop trade. Defoe had accepted the political ideology that objecting the autocrat and advocating the civil rights, but the limitation of his thought was also great in the certain historical background.   源:自*优尔`%论,文'网·www.youerw.com/

Robinson Crusoe was first published on April, 1717. It was based on the a true story. Alexander Selkirk, the prototype of the major character, Robinson, a Scottish sailor who had spent five years alone on an uninhabited island, which caused great interest by Daniel Defoe. He drew details from Alexander’s experience in Robinson Crusoe. He was the first author who wrote the novel in the first person singular.

     Robinson Crusoe related, in great detail, the life of Robinson from 9 to his final voyage at about 35.The third son of the middle-class family wanted to become a sailor but his parent wished him to become a lawyer. He followed with the African trading vessel. Unfortunately, they were attacked by Moor pirates. Robinson escaped by the help of the Portuguese ship and went to Brazil and developed his own plantation. A few years later, he decided to sale slaves. Because of the bad weather, their ship was broken in the ocean, he became the only survivor and floated to an isolate island. He recounted his personal struggles to survive .On the deserted island, he tried to plan crops, corn and so on. He also feed domesticate goats for milk and meat. With the Bible, he got over the lonely and boring life. Twenty-two years later, a group of cannibals arrived at the island .Robinson rescued one of the victim and named him Friday. He tried to change Friday into a Christian and helped him to adapt to the civilized life. Twenty-eight years later, Robinson and Friday rescued a Spanish captain. They helped him to get back the control of his ship. In return, the Spanish captain took Robinson back to England.

















