    摘要本文对舞龙舞狮运动所代表的中国传统“龙”文化和“狮”文化进行了分析,并对该项运动的常用词汇、文化意向等内容的中英文文本进行了比较研究,通过文化与翻译的相关理论,结合国内外相关的文化环境,对龙、狮在英语环境中的不同存在状态以及该状态对翻译产生的不同影响进行了研究,并探讨了这些文本翻译中文化价值的保留、转换、产生等现象。由于目前对舞龙舞狮运动英文翻译中文化价值的研究十分有限,本文为今后的相关的文本翻译提供了新的视角。关键词  舞龙   舞狮   传统文化   英文翻译毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要8531
    Title  Cultural Analysis of the Translation of          Dragon and Lion Dance                                             
    This paper endeavors to analyze Chinese dragon culture and lion culture performed by dragon and lion dance. And the words and cultural descriptions on dragon and lion dance among the popular Chinese and English texts are also been studied. It attempts to discuss the different statuses of dragon and lion on cultural background in Chinese-speaking and English-speaking environment and the different results of translation caused by the different statues, via relative theories of culture and translation combined with the cultural environment of Chinese-speaking and English-speaking society. This paper also try to discuss the phenomenon of culture preserve, culture turn and culture produce in the procedure of translating. As there is limited research on the analysis of dragon and lion dance on the side of culture, this study carves out a new way on the study of short message.  
    Keywords   dragon dance   lion dance   traditional culture Chinese-English translation
    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction .1
    1.1 The Previous Study of Dragon and Lion Dance ...1
    1.2 Research Design .......................2
    2 The Origin of Dragon and the Culture of Dragon 3
    2.1  The Origin of Dragon ..3
    2.2 The Symbolized Meaning of Dragon ...4
    3 The Origin of the Culture of Lion ...5
    3.1  The Origin of Lion ...6
    3.2  The Symbolized Meaning of Lion ..6
    4 The Comparative Analysis of Dragon Culture and Lion Culture ..7
    4.1 Different Origins....8
    4.2 Different Meaning of Dragon Dance and Lion Dance.......................8
    4.3 Different Positions in People’s Mind ........................8
    5 The Translation of Dragon and Lion Dance 9
    5.1 The Analysis of Five Basic Translation Methods..9
    5.2 The Analysis of the Translation of "Dragon"and "Lion".......................10
    5.3 The Analysis of the Translation Dragon and Lion Dance ......................11
    Conclusion ...14
    1 Introduction
    With the fast development of Chinese comprehensive national strength, the citizens of China live a much better life than ever before. China has achieved a splendid amount of successes on many areas. In the Beijing 29th Summer Olympic Games, China unprecedentedly got most god medals among all the countries. Chinese sports power has been on the top of the world. After 2008 Olympic year, China and Chinese people begin to pay more attention to traditional Chinese sports. Dragon and lion dance is one of them. With the globalization, this traditional Chinese sport also influences the life of people all over the world. As the competitions and interchange performances around the world become more and more popular, the English translation of the event has aroused more and more discussion. In view of the above facts, this paper endeavors to analyze the texts of dragon and lion dance in English version and try to give some practical advices in future translation.
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