    关键词:姓名翻译 误区 足球 运动员
    Title    Overcoming the Misunderstanding in Name Translation
    ——Taking Foreign Football Players as Examples    
    Known as “the most influential sport in the world”, football is becoming more and more popular nowadays. With its booming internationalization, foreign football culture had infiltrated into China rapidly. But for a long time, translations of foreign names are not standardized. Different translation approaches often lead to the fact that an English name has been translated into a variety of Chinese versions. As a result, readers often felt confused by the arbitrariness of translation. This project mainly focuses on the name translation of football players and some commentary works, finally attempts to propose a set of rules to translate football player’s names.
    Keywords  name translation  misunderstanding  football  players
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Existing Research on the Translation of Football Player’s Names    1
    1.2 Some Examples of Different Name Translation    2
    2 Literature Review    6
    2.1 Importance of Normative Terms Translation    6
    2.2 The Problems in the Translation of Football Player’s Name    6
    3 Existing Methods in Name Translation and Limitations    9
    3.1 Name Translation Based on Academic Norms    9
    3.2 Sound Confusions in Translation    10
    3.3 Abbreviations in Translation    10
    3.4 Different Standards, Different Effects    11
    4 Combination of Academic Standard and Football Terminology    12
    4.1 Academic Standard of Translation    12
    4.2 Terminology Translation: a Dynamic Equivalence    12
    4.3 Importance of a Harmonious Combination    13
    5 Conclusion    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    References    16
    1 Introduction
    1.1 Existing Research on the Translation of Football Player’s Names
    Translation of people’s names is a form of intercultural communication. When we translate the Chinese names into English ones or translate the English names into Chinese ones, language laws, cultural psychology, aesthetic interest and some other factors will be involved. The translators should also pay attention to some cultural taboos and choose appropriate method to translate (Di Hongqiu, 2008). Undoubtedly, name translation is not a simple task. When we translate foreign names, there is always something we can do to strive for perfection. A good translation not only makes others feel comfortable, but also shows a rich cultural ability of one person.
    Cultural exchange is the inevitable trend of cultural. Since it’s beginning, culture exchange is omnipresent. Whether we realize or not, our lives are concerned with cultural exchanges. Sports culture as an important part of culture, its origin, development and prosperity there have also exchanges. Known as "the world's first sport", football is one of the world's most influential sports events. In the beginning there was chaos, and football was without form (Li Changshuan, 2012). Then came the Victorians, who codified it, and after them the theorists, who analyzed it. Now with the internationalization of football, many problems also reached to an increasingly high degree of concern. Translations of player’s names are always one of such difficult problems. For a long time due to our translator does not regulate the translation of foreign names, inaccurate phenomenon often made audience and readers in the face of a huge number of the many player names difficult to distinguish (Hu Fangyi, 2012). These misunderstandings can mainly pide into two sorts: sound confusions and abbreviations.
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