However, these researches mostly discuss merely on the meaning level of each epitaph or talk about common values of world, or just stay on the surface of study about cultural influences. Zhang (2012) first bridged the gap between the study of epitaph and consciousness of life. This idea is of vital importance for both giving the inspiration and theoretical framework of this paper. 

However, there is still few studies involving both Chinese and Western type of epitaph, or discussing cultural comparison. This paper is trying to fill this gap.

1.2 Research Methodology

This paper firstly focuses on the analysis of both English and Chinese epitaph text, so the first step is to collect both Chinese and English epitaph text from libraries, online libraries, think tanks, as well as newspapers. 

The second step is to sift them. Those new genres of epitaph which are influenced by mutual cultural factors are abandoned. Those which are best representing the traditional and classical types as research materials are kept.

Then, the present paper will compare and analyze them with the theology of metaphysics, orientation of values, etc.

On this basis, the paper further reaches the explanation of differentia in two main different kinds of consciousness of life value.

2 Epitaph

2.1 Definition of Epitaph

An epitaph (from Greek epitaphion) is a short text honoring a deceased person. Strictly speaking it is inscribed on his/her tombstone or plaque, and described figuratively (Wikipedia, 2013).

2.2 Features of Chinese Epitaph

The Chinese word epitaph can be dated back to ancient China, which is a type of writing with definite forms used in mourning occasions. “It has complete shape and structure, fixed stylistic and unique aesthetic pursuit” (Zhang, 2012).

Here are some distinctive features of Chinese epitaph compared with English ones:

2.2.1 Definite format and strict rules

Due to the limitation of writing subject, the format of epitaph is often rigorous and   lack of variety (Zhang, 2012). The main body of epitaph is usually composed of two parts, i.e. zhi(志), a type of verse, and ming(铭),a type of prose.来~自^优尔论+文.网

In addition, as to written forms, it also requires many complex and tedious details, such as complement words, shangping(Shangping means to start a new line for writing. It’s often used to show respect and honor for a person or thing), que(Que means to intentionally leave one or two blanks, and it’s also used to show respect and honor for a person or thing),etc. These rules are all set for certain purposes concerning cultural aspects.

2.2.2 Lyric in language and writing style 

Because of its unique application scope,the style of epitaph is more intensely lyric than other practical writings (Zhang, 2012). The language of epitaph is written, and always with a characteristic of Pianli writing (Zeng, 2007), which means it emphasizes the use of antithesis, rhyme as well as beautiful words to portray things or people, meanwhile to aspire aesthetic values. For example: 

(《周大将军闻喜公柳霞墓志铭》第一段, Epitaph of Liu Xia, Zhou’s Senior General, paragraph one)

















