Abstract The trilogy of The Lord of the Rings is one of the most prestigious works of J.R.R. Tolkien, one of the most sensational masterpieces of the 20th century, also the greatest dream in history. The creation last from 1937 to 1949, which witnessed the entire World War II. In his fictional world, Tolkien revealed the dark side of the real world, and pinned his hope of the real society on his characters: elves, human beings and Hobbits, who can hold their hearts in this virtual middle-earth world, who never bow to the evil forces easily, and who show the harmonious relationship between man and the nature.67327

This article is pided into five chapters. Through the interpretation of The Lord of the Rings, I tried to analyze the contents’ central idea of his work. The first chapter introduces the author, works and the main contents of this article, that is, to face the suffering, to feel wisdom, courage, goodness and to grow in inescapable adventure. The second chapter introduces the destiny of the protagonist Frodo and the One Ring and how he was embarked to the adventure of the unknown predicament. And also revealed the main idea of this article: escapism is not to flee and hide, but to endure all, to fight and resist. The third chapter cut in from the struggle between Frodo and his fate, depicts the spiritual strength that sustains his bravery along his way on his journey. Chapter Four analyzes that the compassion deeply rooted in human nature might be the salvation for oneself, and also the key to the success of justice. The fifth chapter summarizes The Lord of the Rings is a work of human nature which eulogizes friendship, freedom and courage. Stripping away the magical shell, the thoughts of the work sparks. The ordinary people can finally create an extraordinary future as long as he shoulder of the extraordinary mission. The puniest hobbit turned out to be the protagonist of the whole story who saved the whole Middle Earth. Represents the purest side of the human nature, the whole story tries to convey a faith to the readers: if the destiny of suffering is inescapable, then strive to reborn in suffering, always hold good faith, the sincere devote to friends and to life, and fight to the end for the most beloved ones.

Key Words: Tolkien; The Lord of the Rings; adventure; mercy; redemption

摘要《指环王》三部曲是魔幻文学大家 J.R.R 托尔金最富盛名的一部作品,也是二十世纪最轰动 世界的超级大作品,一场历史上最大的梦。作者的创作时间是 1937 年至 1949 年,横跨了整 个第二次世界大战的时段,托尔金在他构造出来的虚拟世界中毫不避讳地揭露了现实世界的 丑恶面,并将对现实社会的希望寄托于他笔下的小人们——精灵,人类,以及霍比特人,能 够他们在这个虚拟出来的中土世界中坚守住内心,不轻易向恶势力低头,并展现处人与自然 和谐相处之道。

本文共分为五个章节。通过对魔戒的解读,来浅要地分析其作品内容及中心思想。第一章介 绍了作者、作品以及本文的主要内容简介,即正视苦难,在无法逃避的逆境中去感受智慧, 勇气,善良,去成长。第二章介绍主人公弗罗多与至尊魔戒命中注定的相遇与羁绊,以及他 迫于形势,无奈踏上充满未知困境的冒险之旅,并提出本文的主要思想:逃避zhuyi不是逃离 和躲藏,而是要用于承受一切,去斗争,去反抗。第三章从弗罗多与命运的抗争为切入点, 描绘支撑其勇敢面对的精神力量。第四章分析了人性中的慈悲是对自己的救赎,同时也正是 正义的一方制胜的关键。第五章总结《指环王》是一部讴歌友谊、自由、勇气的人性作品, 剥掉魔幻的外壳,这一些思想的火花闪耀动人。平凡人只要肩负起不平凡的使命,那么他终 能创就不平凡的未来。看上去最最弱小的霍比特人成为整个故事的主角,拯救了整个中土世 界。霍比特人代表了人们内心最单纯善意的一面,整个故事试图给读者传达一个信念:如果 无法逃脱苦难的命运,那就努力在苦难中重生,永远心怀善意,对生活,对朋友真诚的付出, 为心底最深沉的爱去抗争到底。

















